Open the app in focus mode:
Open the live script in focus mode:
apiKey ="b1b15e88fa797225412429c1c50c122a1";
% Define the location for which you want the weather forecast
cityName = "Muenchen";
countryCode = "DE";
% Create the URL for the API call
url = sprintf(",%s&appid=%s", cityName, countryCode, apiKey);
% Send the web request to the OpenWeatherMap API
response = webread(url);
% Assuming "response" is the struct obtained from the OpenWeatherMap API
data = parseForecast(response.list);
data = struct2table(data)
date | temperature | weather | clouds | wind | details | |
1 | 16-Feb-2017 12:00:00 | 286.6700 | 'Clear' | 0 | 1.8100 | 'clear sky' |
2 | 16-Feb-2017 15:00:00 | 285.6600 | 'Clear' | 0 | 1.5900 | 'clear sky' |
3 | 16-Feb-2017 18:00:00 | 277.0500 | 'Clear' | 0 | 1.4100 | 'clear sky' |
4 | 16-Feb-2017 21:00:00 | 272.7800 | 'Clear' | 0 | 2.2400 | 'clear sky' |
5 | 17-Feb-2017 00:00:00 | 273.3410 | 'Clouds' | 76 | 3.5900 | 'broken clouds' |
6 | 17-Feb-2017 03:00:00 | 275.5680 | 'Rain' | 76 | 3.7700 | 'light rain' |
7 | 17-Feb-2017 06:00:00 | 276.4780 | 'Rain' | 92 | 3.8100 | 'moderate rain' |
8 | 17-Feb-2017 09:00:00 | 276.6700 | 'Rain' | 64 | 2.6000 | 'light rain' |
9 | 17-Feb-2017 12:00:00 | 278.2530 | 'Rain' | 92 | 3.1700 | 'light rain' |
10 | 17-Feb-2017 15:00:00 | 276.4550 | 'Rain' | 92 | 3.2100 | 'light rain' |
11 | 17-Feb-2017 18:00:00 | 275.6390 | 'Rain' | 88 | 3.1700 | 'light rain' |
12 | 17-Feb-2017 21:00:00 | 275.4590 | 'Rain' | 88 | 3.7100 | 'light rain' |
13 | 18-Feb-2017 00:00:00 | 275.0350 | 'Rain' | 92 | 3.5600 | 'light rain' |
14 | 18-Feb-2017 03:00:00 | 274.9650 | 'Rain' | 88 | 2.6600 | 'light rain' |
n = 3;
X = (1:36);
y = data.temperature;
p = polyfit(X,y,n);
y1 = polyval(p,X);
function forecastData = parseForecast(responseList)
% Initialize an array of structs to hold the parsed forecast data
forecastData = struct("date", {}, "temperature", {}, "weather", {}, "clouds", {}, "wind", {}, "details", {});
% Loop through each entry in the responseList cell array
for i = 1:length(responseList)
% Get the current forecast struct
forecastStruct = responseList{i};
% Extract the date and time of the forecast
forecastData(i).date = datetime(forecastStruct.dt, "ConvertFrom", "posixtime");
% Extract main forecast data like temperature
forecastData(i).temperature = forecastStruct.main.temp;
% Extract weather conditions
forecastData(i).weather =;
% Extract cloud data
forecastData(i).clouds = forecastStruct.clouds.all;
% Extract wind data
forecastData(i).wind = forecastStruct.wind.speed;
% Extract additional details if needed
forecastData(i).details =;