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ChatGPT Queue Prompts - used for bulk prompting in ChatGPT Queue

ChatGPT Queue Prompts is a collection of prompt chains designed to enhance interactions with large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT with the use of ChatGPT Queue. These prompt chains help build context for the AI before performing specific tasks. Which improves performance

What are Prompt Chains?

Prompt chains are sequences of prompts for LLMs that help build context for the AI before having it perform a task. In this project, prompt chains are represented as strings with individual prompts separated by tildes (~). They should be copy and pastable into ChatGPT Queue bulk prompting and Job or Task focused.

For example, Heading: "Create/Build/Develop XYZ" Prompt Chain: "prompt1~prompt2~prompt3" Author: Joel @ ChatGPT Queue


To use a prompt chain, simply copy the entire chain and paste it into the ChatGPT Queue extension. The AI will process each prompt in sequence, building context before tackling the final task.

Example Prompt Chains

Example: Conduct AI Company Research

This prompt chain helps research publicly traded companies benefiting from the rise of AI:

Using your web search capabilities, I want you to search the web for the latest information on publicly traded companies that are currently benefiting from the rise of AI. Include URL columns where I can learn more about each company, their competitive advantages, and any analyst ratings. Return this back in a table inline. We will research in batches of 10, when I say "More" you find 10 more. Keep the information brief and all within the inline table. Example: | Company Name | Stock Symbol | Competitive Advantages | Analyst Ratings | URL | |--------------|--------------|------------------------------------------|------------------|----------------------------------------| | Company A | ABC | Leading AI technology, strong R&D | Strong Buy | Link | | Company B | XYZ | Dominant in AI software, extensive patents| Moderate Buy | Link | Please provide the latest information available. ~More ~ More ~ More

Write a whitepaper on any topic

TOPIC=[white paper topic], INDUSTRY=[target industry], AUDIENCE=[primary reader demographic], LENGTH=[target page count] Use web search to identify 5-7 key challenges or pain points in INDUSTRY related to TOPIC. Summarize each in 1-2 sentences.~Research and list 3-5 current trends or innovations in INDUSTRY that are relevant to TOPIC. Include statistics or data points to support each trend.~Develop a compelling title for the white paper that incorporates TOPIC and appeals to AUDIENCE. Create 3 options and briefly explain the rationale for each.~Craft an executive summary (250-300 words) that outlines the white paper's main points, key findings, and value proposition for AUDIENCE.~Create a detailed outline for the white paper, including: 1. Introduction 2. Background/Context 3. 4-6 main sections addressing key challenges and solutions 4. Case study or real-world example 5. Future outlook 6. Conclusion and recommendations Provide a brief description of the content for each section.~Write the introduction (500-750 words): 1. Hook the reader with a compelling statistic or scenario 2. Provide context for TOPIC in INDUSTRY 3. Clearly state the white paper's purpose and what AUDIENCE will gain 4. Include a brief overview of the main sections~For each main section: 1. Start with a clear subheading 2. Present the challenge or issue 3. Provide in-depth analysis, including data and expert insights 4. Offer potential solutions or best practices 5. Include relevant graphics, charts, or diagrams to illustrate key points Aim for 1000-1500 words per main section.~Develop a case study or real-world example (500-750 words) that illustrates successful implementation of the ideas presented. Include specific outcomes and lessons learned.~Write a future outlook section (500-750 words) that predicts upcoming trends, potential challenges, and opportunities related to TOPIC in INDUSTRY.~Craft a conclusion (500-750 words) that: 1. Summarizes key points 2. Reinforces the importance of addressing TOPIC 3. Provides clear, actionable recommendations for AUDIENCE~Create a visually appealing infographic that summarizes the white paper's main points, key statistics, and recommendations.~Develop a reference list of at least 15 authoritative sources used in the white paper. Ensure proper citation throughout the document.~Write an author bio (100-150 words) that establishes credibility and expertise on TOPIC.~Design a visually appealing cover page and table of contents for the white paper.~Review and edit the entire document for clarity, coherence, and consistency. Ensure it meets LENGTH requirements while maintaining high-quality, substantive content throughout.~Create a one-page summary sheet of the white paper, highlighting key takeaways and enticing AUDIENCE to read the full document.

Build a How To Guide for any subject

TOPIC=[subject of the guide], SKILLLEVEL=[beginner/intermediate/advanced], FORMAT=[blog post/video script/infographic]
Research and list the top 5-10 most common questions or pain points people have when learning about or attempting TOPIC.~ Create an outline for the how-to guide, breaking TOPIC down into 5-7 main steps or sections. Ensure the complexity matches SKILLLEVEL.~ Write an engaging introduction that explains why TOPIC is important or beneficial, and what the reader will learn by the end of the guide.~ For each main step or section:
Provide a clear, concise explanation of what needs to be done.
Include any necessary warnings or preparatory steps.
Offer 2-3 tips or best practices related to this step.
If applicable, suggest tools or resources that can help with this step.~ Identify potential challenges or common mistakes related to TOPIC. Create a troubleshooting section addressing these issues with solutions.~ Develop a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about TOPIC, complete with clear, concise answers.~ Create a section on "Next Steps" or "Advanced Techniques" for readers who want to go beyond the basics of TOPIC.~ If TOPIC involves any technical terms or jargon, create a glossary defining these terms in simple language.~ Based on FORMAT, suggest appropriate visual aids (e.g., diagrams, screenshots, or video timestamps) to supplement the written content at key points in the guide.~ Write a conclusion that summarizes the key points of the guide and encourages the reader to put their new knowledge into practice.~ Compile all sections into a complete how-to guide formatted appropriately for FORMAT. Include a table of contents if it's a longer piece.

Create a comprehensive Newsletter on any topic

TOPIC=[newsletter topic], AUDIENCE=[target audience], FREQUENCY=[daily/weekly/monthly] 

Use web search to find the top 5 most recent news stories or developments related to TOPIC. Summarize each in 1-2 sentences.~Based on web search results, identify 3 trending subtopics or themes within TOPIC that are currently generating buzz or controversy.~Use web search to find 3-5 reputable experts or thought leaders in the field of TOPIC. Note their recent contributions or statements.~Create a compelling subject line for the newsletter that incorporates one of the trending subtopics and would appeal to AUDIENCE.~Write an attention-grabbing opening paragraph that introduces the main theme of this issue, relating it to the interests of AUDIENCE.~Develop the main body of the newsletter: 1. Expand on the top news story, providing context and potential impact. 2. Briefly cover 2-3 other significant stories or developments. 3. Include a quote or insight from one of the identified experts. 4. Add a "Did You Know?" section with an interesting fact found through web search.~Use web search to find a relevant statistic or data point related to TOPIC. Create a brief data visualization or infographic concept to illustrate this information.~Based on web search findings, write a "Looking Ahead" section that predicts or speculates on upcoming trends or events in TOPIC.~Create a "Resource Corner" by using web search to find and briefly describe 3 useful resources (articles, tools, websites) related to TOPIC for AUDIENCE.~Develop a call-to-action relevant to TOPIC and AUDIENCE (e.g., attending an event, trying a new technique, participating in a challenge).~Write a brief, engaging conclusion that summarizes the key points and maintains reader interest for the next issue.~Use web search to find appropriate tags or categories for the newsletter content to improve searchability and SEO.~Compile all sections into a cohesive newsletter format. Ensure the tone and complexity are appropriate for AUDIENCE and FREQUENCY.

Brainstorm product ideas and build Roadmap

INDUSTRY=[target industry], TREND=[current trend or technology], PROBLEM=[specific problem to solve]
List 10 emerging trends or technologies in INDUSTRY that could potentially disrupt the market or create new opportunities.~ Identify 5 major pain points or unmet needs in INDUSTRY, focusing specifically on those related to PROBLEM.~ Generate 10 unconventional or "out-of-the-box" product ideas that combine aspects of TREND with solving PROBLEM in INDUSTRY. Don't worry about feasibility at this stage.~ For each of the 10 ideas, briefly describe its core functionality and primary benefit to the user in one sentence.~ Select the 3 most promising ideas from the list. For each, identify 3 potential target user groups and their specific use cases.~ For the top 3 ideas, brainstorm 5 unique features or capabilities that would set each product apart from existing solutions in INDUSTRY.~ Imagine potential obstacles or challenges for each of the top 3 ideas. List 3 major hurdles for each and suggest possible ways to overcome them.~ Combine elements from the top 3 ideas to create 2 hybrid product concepts that might offer more comprehensive solutions to PROBLEM.~ For each of the 2 hybrid concepts, describe a "day in the life" scenario showcasing how the product would be used and its impact on the user.~ Evaluate the 2 hybrid concepts and the original top 3 ideas based on innovation, market potential, and alignment with TREND. Rank them from most to least promising.~ For the highest-ranked idea, outline a basic product roadmap including 3 development phases and key milestones for bringing it to market.

Build SEO Optimized Blog Post

Research and provide a list of 5 high-volume, low-competition keywords related to selling digital products. Include search volume and keyword difficulty for each~Based on the keyword research, generate a compelling blog post title that incorporates the primary keyword~Create an outline for the blog post with the following sections: Introduction, [3-5 main content sections based on secondary keywords], Conclusion~Write a meta description for the blog post, incorporating the primary keyword and staying within 150-160 characters~Write the Introduction section, including the primary keyword in the first paragraph and a clear thesis statement~Write Section 1 of the main content, incorporating relevant secondary keywords naturally~Write Section 2 of the main content, including relevant statistics or data to support your points~Write Section 3 of the main content, addressing common questions or concerns related to the topic~[If applicable] Write Sections 4 and 5 of the main content, providing additional value and incorporating remaining secondary keywords~Write the Conclusion section, summarizing key points and including a call-to-action~Create a list of 5-7 internal and external link suggestions to be incorporated throughout the post~Generate 3 options for engaging meta titles, each under 60 characters and including the primary keyword~Provide a list of image suggestions for the post, including recommended alt text for each image~Create a list of 3-5 related blog post ideas to be used for internal linking

Build a Business plan

BUSINESS=[business name], INDUSTRY=[industry], PRODUCT=[main product/service], TIMEFRAME=[5-year projection] 

Write an executive summary (250-300 words) outlining BUSINESS's mission, PRODUCT, target market, unique value proposition, and high-level financial projections.~Provide a detailed description of PRODUCT, including its features, benefits, and how it solves customer problems. Explain its unique selling points and competitive advantages in INDUSTRY.~Conduct a market analysis: 1. Define the target market and customer segments 2. Analyze INDUSTRY trends and growth potential 3. Identify main competitors and their market share 4. Describe BUSINESS's position in the market~Outline the marketing and sales strategy: 1. Describe pricing strategy and sales tactics 2. Explain distribution channels and partnerships 3. Detail marketing channels and customer acquisition methods 4. Set measurable marketing goals for TIMEFRAME~Develop an operations plan: 1. Describe the production process or service delivery 2. Outline required facilities, equipment, and technologies 3. Explain quality control measures 4. Identify key suppliers or partners~Create an organization structure: 1. Describe the management team and their roles 2. Outline staffing needs and hiring plans 3. Identify any advisory board members or mentors 4. Explain company culture and values~Develop financial projections for TIMEFRAME: 1. Create a startup costs breakdown 2. Project monthly cash flow for the first year 3. Forecast annual income statements and balance sheets 4. Calculate break-even point and ROI~Conclude with a funding request (if applicable) and implementation timeline. Summarize key milestones and goals for TIMEFRAME.

Build SEO Optimized Blog Post in Markdown

TOPIC=[article topic], KEYWORD=[primary keyword], WORDCOUNT=[target word count, minimum 2000], AUDIENCE=[target reader persona]

Use web search to identify the top 10 ranking pages for KEYWORD. Analyze their content structure, headings, and key points covered.~
Based on the analysis, create a detailed outline with at least 15 headings and subheadings (H1, H2, H3, H4) that comprehensively cover TOPIC. Ensure the outline has a logical flow and addresses key user intents.~
Research and list 10-15 related long-tail keywords and LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) terms relevant to TOPIC. Plan to naturally incorporate these throughout the article.~
Craft an engaging, SEO-optimized title (H1) that includes KEYWORD and appeals to AUDIENCE. Ensure it's under 60 characters for optimal display in search results.~
Write a compelling introduction (150-200 words) that hooks the reader, introduces TOPIC, and outlines what the article will cover. Naturally include KEYWORD.~
For each main section (H2) in the outline:
1. Write 300-500 words of in-depth, informative content.
2. Include relevant examples, data, or case studies found through web search.
3. Naturally incorporate 1-2 related long-tail keywords or LSI terms.
4. Ensure a conversational tone that speaks directly to AUDIENCE.
5. Add a unique insight or perspective not commonly found in competing articles.~
Create 2-3 custom images, diagrams, or infographic concepts that visually explain key points in the article. Describe each in detail, including alt text optimized for KEYWORD.~
Write a "Quick Takeaways" or "Key Points" section that summarizes the main insights of the article in 5-7 bullet points.~
Develop a conclusion (200-250 words) that summarizes the key points, reinforces the main message, and includes a call-to-action relevant to AUDIENCE.~
Create 5 unique, relevant FAQs related to TOPIC. Ensure answers are concise yet informative, and naturally include long-tail keywords.~
Write a custom message asking for reader feedback and encouraging social shares. Include a question to boost engagement.~
Use web search to identify 3-5 authoritative external sources relevant to TOPIC. Create in-text citations and a "References" section at the end of the article.~
Review the entire article to ensure optimal keyword density (aim for 1-2% for KEYWORD), proper use of headings, and inclusion of long-tail keywords. Check that the content maintains high perplexity and burstiness while staying on topic.~
Format the article using Markdown, ensuring all headings (H1, H2, H3, H4) and important points are properly styled. Bold key phrases and use italics for emphasis where appropriate.~
Compile the full article, including the title, introduction, main body with all sections, images, conclusion, FAQs, engagement message, and references. Ensure it meets or exceeds WORDCOUNT while maintaining high-quality, engaging content throughout.

Build a course for any subject

Define the course parameters: SUBJECT=[subject name], AUDIENCE=[target audience], DURATION=[course length in weeks]~Create a course outline with main modules, each focusing on a key aspect of the subject~For each module, list 3-5 specific learning objectives that align with the overall course goals~Develop a detailed syllabus including module titles, topics covered, estimated time for completion, and required materials~Create an introduction module that explains the course structure, expectations, and provides an overview of the subject~For Module 1, design a lesson plan with lecture content, practical exercises, and multimedia resources~Develop assessment methods for Module 1, including quizzes, assignments, or projects that test the module's learning objectives~Repeat the lesson plan and assessment development process for the next half of the modules~Create interactive elements for each module, such as discussion prompts, group activities, or hands-on projects~Design a mid-course project or assignment that integrates concepts from the first half of the course~Develop lesson plans and assessments for the remaining modules, incorporating more advanced concepts and building on earlier modules~Create a final project or exam that comprehensively assesses the entire course content~Develop a resource list including textbooks, online materials, and supplementary reading for each module~Create a glossary of key terms and concepts covered throughout the course~Design a feedback mechanism for students to evaluate the course and suggest improvements~Develop a guide for instructors, including teaching tips, common student challenges, and suggested solutions~Create a course completion certificate template and criteria for earning the certificate

Revise and Refine Resume / CV

Analyze the following resume details: INDUSTRY=[target industry], EXPERIENCE_LEVEL=[entry/mid/senior], JOB_TITLE=[desired position]~Review the current RESUME=[] and identify 5 key strengths and 3 areas for improvement~Optimize the resume summary/objective statement to align with the target job and industry (max 3 sentences)~Revise the work experience section: enhance 3 key accomplishments for each role using the STAR method and quantifiable results~Identify and list 5-7 relevant hard skills and 3-5 soft skills that align with the target job requirements~Restructure the skills section to highlight the most impactful and relevant skills~Review and optimize the education section, including relevant coursework, projects, or academic achievements~Create a tailored section highlighting 3-4 key projects or notable achievements relevant to the target job~Identify and incorporate 5-7 industry-specific keywords or phrases throughout the resume~Revise the resume format for improved readability: suggest appropriate fonts, spacing, and section organization~Proofread the entire resume and correct any grammatical or formatting inconsistencies~Generate 3 impactful action verbs to replace weak or overused verbs in the experience section~Create a concise list of 3-5 relevant certifications or professional development activities to add, if applicable~Suggest 2-3 optional sections that could enhance the resume (e.g., volunteer work, publications, languages)~Develop a strategy to address any potential red flags (e.g., employment gaps, career changes) in the resume~Provide a final checklist of 5 key elements to review before submitting the revised resume

Enrich these Leads for my CRM

Lead Enrichment Task
Welcome to the lead enrichment task! Your goal is to enrich a list of email addresses by gathering detailed and relevant information for each one. This process is essential for building a comprehensive understanding of each lead, which can significantly enhance engagement and targeting strategies. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to proceed:

Step-by-Step Instructions:
List of Emails:

I will provide you with a comprehensive list of email addresses. This list is your starting point and contains the leads that require enrichment.
Sequential Processing:

Begin with the first email address on the list. When I say "next," you will move on to the subsequent email address. This method ensures a structured and organized approach, allowing for systematic data collection.
Information Gathering:

For each email address, your task is to search for and compile the following pieces of relevant information. This data will help paint a complete picture of each lead:
Name: Identify the person or organization associated with the email. This can often be found through professional networks or company directories.
Job Title or Position: Determine the current job title or role of the individual. LinkedIn is a valuable resource for this information.
Social Media Profiles: Locate profiles on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook. These profiles can provide insights into professional interests and activities.
Company Information: Gather details about the company they are associated with, such as industry, size, and key personnel.
Publicly Available Contact Information: This might include phone numbers, secondary email addresses, or office addresses. Ensure this data is publicly accessible to comply with privacy regulations.
Recent News or Articles: Look for any recent news, articles, or press releases involving the person or their organization. This context can be valuable for understanding their current focus and achievements.
Data Sources:
Reputable Sources: Prioritize information from reputable and authoritative sources to ensure accuracy. LinkedIn, official company websites, Google, and professional networks are excellent starting points.
Search Engines: Utilize search engines effectively by using specific and targeted queries that can help pinpoint the necessary information.
Legal and Privacy Regulations: Ensure that all information gathering complies with relevant legal and privacy regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA. Avoid using methods that could infringe on privacy rights or involve unauthorized data scraping.
Handling Ambiguity:
Multiple Matches: If multiple matches are found for an email address, use context clues such as company affiliation or job title to select the most relevant result.
No Information Found: If no relevant information is found after a thorough search, log this as an unsuccessful search and proceed to the next email. Documenting this helps maintain a record of search attempts and outcomes.
Output Format:
Structured Presentation: Present the gathered information in a structured format such as a table or a JSON file. This format should include clearly labeled fields for each piece of data, making it easy to review and utilize.
Error Handling:
Unsuccessful Searches: Log any instances where the search was unsuccessful or incomplete. This log can help in reviewing the search process and identifying potential improvements.
Rate Limiting and Ethical Considerations:
Avoid Excessive Querying: Be mindful of the terms of service for data providers. Excessive querying can lead to restrictions or bans, so it’s essential to respect these limits.
Ethical Guidelines: Adhere to ethical guidelines in data gathering, ensuring that all information collected is done so responsibly and respectfully.
Let’s begin this enriching journey. Start by examining the first email address, and when you’re ready to move on, simply say "next." Your thorough and diligent approach will greatly enhance the value of these leads, providing a rich foundation for further engagement and strategic actions.

[Email List]


Building Personal Finance Documents

Create a monthly budget template with categories for income, fixed expenses, variable expenses, and savings. Include formulas for calculating totals and percentages~Develop a yearly financial goals worksheet with sections for short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals. Include columns for goal description, target amount, deadline, and action steps~Generate a net worth statement template with sections for assets (e.g., cash, investments, property) and liabilities (e.g., loans, credit card debt). Include formulas for calculating total net worth~Design a debt repayment plan spreadsheet with columns for creditor name, balance, interest rate, minimum payment, and projected payoff date. Include a debt snowball/avalanche calculation~Create an emergency fund planning document that calculates target fund size based on monthly expenses and provides a savings timeline~Develop an investment portfolio allocation spreadsheet with sections for different asset classes (e.g., stocks, bonds, real estate) and risk tolerance levels~Generate a retirement savings calculator that estimates required savings based on current age, desired retirement age, and expected expenses~Create a cash flow statement template with sections for operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities~Design a tax preparation checklist customized for individual tax situations, including needed documents and common deductions~Develop a personal financial ratios worksheet calculating key metrics like savings rate, debt-to-income ratio, and investment returns~Create an insurance coverage summary template listing all policies, coverage amounts, premiums, and renewal dates~Generate a bill payment tracker with recurring expenses, due dates, and payment confirmation fields~Design a charitable giving plan template with sections for donation goals, tax implications, and impact tracking~Create a financial document organization guide with categories for storing and managing important financial papers~Develop a personal finance dashboard template summarizing key financial metrics, goals progress, and action items

Build a detailed workout and nutrition plan

Analyze the following information: Current body weight [weight in kg/lbs], Height [height in cm/inches], Age [age in years], Gender [male/female/other], and Fitness goal [e.g., weight loss, muscle gain, general fitness]~Calculate the individual's BMI and determine their ideal weight range based on height~Estimate the individual's daily caloric needs based on their stats and activity level~Create a macronutrient breakdown (protein, carbs, fats) tailored to their fitness goal~Develop a 7-day meal plan with specific meals and portion sizes that meet the calculated macronutrient needs~Generate a grocery list based on the meal plan, categorized by food groups~Design a 4-week workout plan with 4-5 sessions per week, tailored to the individual's fitness goal~For Week 1, provide detailed descriptions of each workout, including exercises, sets, reps, and rest periods~For Weeks 2-4, outline any progressions or changes in the workout routine to ensure continued progress~Suggest 3-5 supplement recommendations, if appropriate, based on the individual's goal~Create a list of 5-7 tips for staying motivated and adhering to the workout and nutrition plan~Develop a progress tracking system, including metrics to monitor and frequency of measurements~Generate a sample workout log template for the individual to record their exercises and progress~Provide guidelines for adjusting the plan based on progress or plateaus after the 4-week period

Build Marketing plan using Diffusion of innovations Theory

Based on the Diffusion of innovations theory, I want you to help me build a marketing plan for each step for marketing my product, My product [Its called ChatGPT Queue it saves people time by allowing them to queue messages for ChatGPT, I have a one time fee, its a chrome extension]. Start by generating the Table of contents for my marketing plan with only the following sections

Here are what the only 5 sections of the outline should look like,
Early Adopters
Early Majority
Late Majority

Use your search capabilities to enrich each section of the marketing plan.


Write Section 1


Write Section 2


Write Section 3


Write Section 4


Write Section 5

Create a Custom Prompt

Analyze the following prompt idea: [insert prompt idea]~Rewrite the prompt for clarity and effectiveness~Identify potential improvements or additions~Refine the prompt based on identified improvements~Present the final optimized prompt

Summarize a YouTube Video

Analyze the following YouTube video transcript: [insert transcript]~Identify key points and main ideas~Create a concise summary of the video content~List the most important takeaways in bullet points~Suggest related topics for further exploration

Develop a Business Plan

Create a table of contents for a business plan for [type of business]~Write the executive summary~Develop the company description and market analysis~Detail the product or service offering~Outline the marketing and sales strategy~Generate financial projections~Formulate the funding request~Compile all sections into a complete business plan

Generate a Children's Story

Use the following parameters to create a children's story: Characters: [list characters], Lesson: [specify lesson], Age range: [specify age range], Word count: [specify word count]~Create a story outline~Write the full story~Revise for age-appropriateness and word count~Suggest potential illustrations or interactive elements

Optimize and Explain Code

Analyze the following code snippet: [insert code]~Explain the code functionality line by line~Identify bugs and inefficiencies~Suggest optimizations for performance and readability~Provide an optimized version with explanatory comments

Create a Weekly Meal Plan

Generate a 7-day meal plan for the following dietary preferences: [list preferences]~Create a comprehensive shopping list~Calculate estimated total cost~Provide meal prep instructions~Suggest time-saving cooking tips

Design a Language Learning Plan

Create a 30-day study plan for learning [target language] at a [beginner/intermediate/advanced] level~Compile a list of essential phrases and translations~Recommend learning resources (apps, podcasts, videos)~Develop practice exercises and quizzes

Provide IT Support

Analyze the following technical problem: [describe problem]~Identify potential causes~Suggest step-by-step troubleshooting methods~Provide a clear solution in simple terms~Recommend preventive measures for future issues

Analyze a Book

Analyze the book "[Title]" by [Author]~Summarize the book's plot or main arguments~Identify key themes and concepts~Analyze character development or main ideas~Discuss the author's writing style and tone~Explore historical or cultural context~Suggest similar books or further reading

Create a Personal Finance Plan

Create a personal finance plan using the following information: Monthly income: [amount], Major expenses: [list expenses], Financial goals: [list goals]~Develop a detailed monthly budget~Provide investment recommendations based on a [low/medium/high] risk tolerance~Suggest methods to increase income~Create a debt repayment strategy if applicable

Conduct a SWOT Analysis

Identify the key strengths of [company/product]~List potential weaknesses or areas for improvement~Explore market opportunities for growth~Analyze potential threats or challenges~Summarize findings and suggest strategic actions

Create a Marketing Plan

Define target audience and market segmentation for [product/service]~Set specific, measurable marketing objectives~Outline marketing strategies and tactics~Create a marketing budget~Develop a timeline for implementation~Establish KPIs for measuring success

Perform Competitor Analysis

Identify top 5 competitors in [industry/niche]~Analyze their products/services and pricing strategies~Evaluate their marketing and branding approaches~Assess their strengths and weaknesses~Identify potential opportunities for differentiation~Summarize findings and strategic recommendations

Develop a Sales Strategy

Define sales objectives for [product/service]~Identify target customer segments~Outline the sales process and cycle~Develop sales tactics and techniques~Create a sales forecast~Suggest tools and resources for sales team

Write a Business Proposal

Summarize the business opportunity for [project/idea]~Provide a detailed solution or approach~Outline the benefits and value proposition~Present a pricing structure or cost analysis~Include a project timeline and milestones~Close with a compelling call to action

Design an Employee Training Program

Identify key skills and knowledge areas for [job role/department]~Develop learning objectives and outcomes~Create an outline of training modules and content~Suggest delivery methods (e.g., workshops, e-learning)~Design assessment and feedback mechanisms~Propose a schedule and resources needed

Develop a Customer Retention Strategy

Analyze current customer churn rate and reasons~Identify key factors influencing customer loyalty~Develop strategies to improve customer satisfaction~Create a loyalty program outline~Design a communication plan for customer engagement~Suggest metrics to measure retention efforts

Create a Financial Forecast

Project revenue for the next 12 months for [business/product line]~Estimate costs and expenses~Calculate projected profit margins~Develop cash flow projections~Identify potential financial risks~Suggest strategies for financial growth and stability

Design a Product Launch Plan

Outline the unique value proposition of [new product]~Develop a pre-launch marketing strategy~Create a timeline for the launch process~Design a pricing strategy~Plan the actual launch event or campaign~Develop a post-launch evaluation process

Optimize Supply Chain Management

Map the current supply chain for [product/service]~Identify inefficiencies and bottlenecks~Suggest improvements for cost reduction~Recommend strategies for better inventory management~Propose methods to enhance supplier relationships~Outline implementation steps for supply chain optimization

Develop an Crisis Communication Plan

Identify potential crisis scenarios for [company/industry]~Create a crisis management team structure~Develop key messaging templates~Outline communication channels and protocols~Create a step-by-step response process~Design a post-crisis evaluation and recovery plan

Create a Sustainability Strategy

Assess current environmental impact of [company/industry]~Set sustainability goals and objectives~Develop strategies for reducing carbon footprint~Create initiatives for waste reduction and resource conservation~Design an employee engagement plan for sustainability~Outline reporting and communication strategies for sustainability efforts

Develop a Digital Transformation Strategy

Assess current digital capabilities of [company]~Identify areas for digital innovation and improvement~Outline required technological investments~Develop a plan for data management and analytics~Create a timeline for implementation~Design change management strategies for digital adoption

Create an Intellectual Property Strategy

Identify key intellectual property assets of [company]~Outline processes for protecting new innovations~Develop strategies for patent filing and management~Create guidelines for trade secret protection~Design a plan for trademark and copyright management~Suggest methods for IP valuation and commercialization

Develop an Employee Engagement Program

Assess current employee satisfaction levels~Identify key drivers of employee engagement~Design recognition and reward systems~Develop strategies for improving work-life balance~Create a plan for enhancing internal communication~Outline metrics for measuring engagement success

Build a Comprehensive Course

Define the main topic and learning objectives for [course subject]~Identify the target audience and their prior knowledge level~Create a course outline with main modules and sub-topics~Develop a detailed syllabus including lesson plans and time allocation~Design engaging learning activities and assignments for each module~Create assessment methods to evaluate student progress and understanding~Outline required resources (textbooks, software, equipment) for the course~Develop a strategy for delivering the course (in-person, online, or hybrid)~Create a marketing plan to promote the course to potential students~Design a feedback mechanism for continuous course improvement

Generate a series of logos for SaaS product

Analyze the following SaaS product and create a brief: ChatGPT Queue. Include key features, benefits, target audience, and industry~Based on the brief, list 5 key concepts or themes that should be represented in the logo~Generate a minimalist logo design for the SaaS product. Use only two colors and focus on a simple, memorable shape~Create a bold and modern logo design using gradients and a sans-serif font. Incorporate an abstract representation of the product's main feature~Design a playful logo with a mascot or character that represents the product's personality. Use a vibrant color palette~Develop a tech-focused logo design with a futuristic feel. Incorporate circuit-like patterns or digital elements~Create an elegant and professional logo design using a monogram or lettermark. Stick to a monochromatic color scheme~Generate a versatile logo that works well in both horizontal and vertical layouts. Focus on scalability and readability at different sizes


To contribute your own prompt chains, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/new-prompt-chain)
  3. Add your prompt chain to the appropriate section
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add new prompt chain')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/new-prompt-chain)
  6. Create a new Pull Request


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ChatGPTQueue Chrome Extension

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