This is the official version 0.0.6 of xoreos-tools, together with xoreos and Phaethon, nicknamed "Elanee".
A collection of tools to help with the reverse-engineering of BioWare's Aurora engine games. xoreos-tools is part of the xoreos project; please see the xoreos website and its GitHub repositories for details.
This release of the xoreos-tools package features nine new tools: unobb, untws, rim, keybif, tws, fixnwn2xml, xml2gff, fev2xml and ncsdecomp.
The first two new tools, unobb and untws, are new archive unpackers. unobb extracts "obb" files found in Aspyr's Android and iOS ports of the BioWare games, which can be either plain ZIP files or, more interesting, a virtual filesystem. untws extracts save files from The Witcher.
The next three tools, rim, keybif and tws are archive packers. rim is the counterpart to unrim, creating RIM archives. keybif is the counterpart to unkeybif, creating KEY/BIF archives (and lzma-compressed KEY/BZF archives found in Aspyr's mobile ports). However, V1.1 files for The Witcher are not yet supported. And lastly, tws, is the counterpart to the new untws tool, creating save files for The Witcher.
Next up, fixnwn2xml takes the non-standard XML files in NWN2 and turns them into valid, standards-compliant XML files.
xml2gff is the counterpart to gff2xml, taking an XML file and turning it back into a GFF. Only GFF3 (GFF V3.2/V3.3) are supported for now, so neither Sonic nor the Dragon Age games (which use GFF V4.0/V4.1) are supported at the moment.
Another work-in-progress tool is fev2xml, which reads the FMOD event file format FEV and creates a human-readable XML file. Only the FEV1 version is supported and only a fraction of its features at that.
Likewise, ncsdecomp is the start of an NWScript bytecode compiler, built on the foundations of our NWScript bytecode disassembler. It's highly experimental and we give no guarantees that it works correctly at all.
In addition to these new tools, there are some new minor features and bugfixes:
- unerf can now extract ERF V2.1
- erf can now create ERF V2.0 and V2.2
- xoreostex2tga now supports animated TPCs and swizzled Xbox SBMs
- gff2xml now supports SAC files and big-endian GFF4s
- tlk2xml now supports big-endian GFF4s
- The character encoding matrix for Jade Empire is now correct
In an attempt to modernize a bit, xoreos-tools now requires a C++11-capable compiler. This should hopefully not be a huge problem.
Please note that these tools are all command line tools, without any GUI whatsoever.
The xoreos tools are:
- Tools for handling resource archives
- unkeybif
- unerf
- unrim
- unherf
- unnds
- unobb
- untws
- desmall
- erf
- rim
- keybif
- tws
- Tools converting basic resource formats into human-readable form and back
- gff2xml
- tlk2xml
- xml2tlk
- ssf2xml
- xml2ssf
- xml2gff
- fev2xml
- convert2da
- fixpremiumgff
- fixnwn2xml
- Tools converting graphics formats into TGA
- xoreostex2tga
- unnsbtx
- nbfs2tga
- ncgr2tga
- cbgt2tga
- cdpth2tga
- Tools handling scripts
- ncsdis
- ncsdecomp
Downloads in this release:
- Source tarball
- GNU/Linux (gcc 4.9.2, glibc 2.19) binaries, i386 (Intel 32-bit)
- GNU/Linux (gcc 4.9.2, glibc 2.19) binaries, x86_64 (Intel 64-bit)
- Microsoft Windows binaries, i386 (Intel 32-bit)
- Microsoft Windows binaries, x86_64 (Intel 64-bit)
- Mac OS X (>= 10.9), x86_64 (Intel 64-bit)
The source tarball includes a PKGBUILD in dists/arch/, a debian build directory in dists/debian/ and a Fedora spec file in dists/fedora/, which can be used to build Arch Linux, Debian/Ubuntu and Fedora packages, respectively.
Alternatively, xoreos-tools can be found in the Arch Linux AUR here, and we have a Gentoo overlay here.
SHA-256 checksums: