XinRclone is a toolbox for DMM.
- Sign up Heroku, install Heroku-CLI and Docker Desktop. Git is optional.
- Run command to log in Heroku by CMD or Powershell, and clone repository or download this repository zip to local.
heroku login
heroku container:login
git clone
- Setup Rclone/Gclone/Autorclone and iKOA. Copy your service accounts json to the accounts folder, iKOA config file config.toml and Rclone config file rclone.conf to the config folder.
- There have some bugs for automatic script, please run these commands to setup your container by CMD or Powershell manually, $name whatever you like.
docker pull xinxin8816/xinrclone:latest
heroku create -a $name
heroku container:push web -a $name
heroku container:release web -a $name
Edit Creater.ps1 line 1 to name your app whatever, then exec, it will run these commands automatically.- Start your container with $name by CMD or Powershell and Enjoy it.
heroku run bash -a $name