Alfresco Health Processor is a part of the Xenit Open Source Tooling around Alfresco. Xenit is company with a big expertise and a strong team around Alfresco. If you'd like to learn more about our tools, services and products, please visit our website.
A background processor capable of performing various operations on the nodes in your Alfresco repository, in a batched and controlled manner.
Starting from version 1.0.0, the Health Processor is no longer compatible with Alfresco 6.x and 7.x. For Alfresco 6.x and 7.x, please use an older version of the Health Processor.
Alfresco Health Processor is available in Maven Central as an Alfresco Module Package.
// Alfresco Module Package:
alfrescoAmp "eu.xenit.alfresco:alfresco-health-processor-platform:${last - version}@amp"
<!-- Alfresco Module Package: -->
Please consult the official Alfresco documentation on how to install Module Packages manually.
The module is systematically integration tested against Alfresco 5.2, 6.1, 6.2 and 7.0.
Alfresco Health Processor is a custom Alfresco subsystem that is able to perform various node related operations such as integrity validation or even rectification.
Triggered as a scheduled job, the processor will iterate over (a subset of) the nodes in Alfresco. The nodes are processed in batches of a predefined size and are offered to plugins for processing. Each plugin can optionally return reports that contain information about the health status of the nodes in the processed batch. After the batch has been processed, the platform will offer the reports to available health reporters.
All interactions done by the Health Processor are highly customizable and extensible. To iterate over batches of nodes,
a single IndexingStrategy
is used. Batches of nodes are offered for processing to all enabled HealthProcessorPlugin
implementations. Reports indicating unhealthy nodes are sent to all enabled HealthFixerPlugin
implementations that can
try to automatically resolve the problem. The resulting reports will be offered for processing to all available HealthReporter
eu.xenit.alfresco.healthprocessor.task.cron=* * * * * ? 2099
The cron schedule that will initially startup the
An optional delay before the processor
Node batch size of the processing. This is the size of the batch that will be requested from theIndexingStategy
and the size of the batches offered to theHealthProcessorPlugin
Optional rate limitation to minimize load on the system. This number indicates the maximum number of batches each plugin may process each second. A number smaller than or equal to 0 indicates no rate limiting is
The Health Processor wraps the processing of each batch for each plugin in a new transaction. This property configures if this transaction should be
Since the Alfresco Health Processor is basically a scheduled job, it needs to run as a certain user. The default isSystem
but it is possible to assign a dedicated
Maximum number of node reports that are stored and reported at the end of a cycle. Additional reports above this number will be dropped, and a warning will be logged when that happens. This setting protects you from crashing Alfresco in case a large number of reports is generated during a Health Processor cycle, for example due to an intermittent issue resulting in a large number of nodes being reported unhealthy.
To get insight in the current state of the Health-Processor, the module includes a custom Repository Admin Console dashboard.
This dashboard is read-only. If your system requires the capability to trigger or change the Health-Processor configuration at runtime, we advise installing and using the Order Of The Bee Support tools extension. This module contains a command console that makes it possible to change and persist Subsystem configuration at runtime. Furthermore it contains an overview of scheduled jobs with the possibility to manually trigger a job.
The Order Of The Bee Support tools works for both Alfresco Community (ACE) and Enterprise Edition (AEE). For AEE it is also possible to use JMX for persistent subsystem configuration and the out of the box scheduled jobs admin dashboard to manually trigger the job.
Next to the core framework, this module contains a list of useful tools that contain basic integrity check for your Alfresco repository. Please note that all available plugins and reporters are disabled by default and should be enabled as desired.
The Health Processor uses a single indexing strategy to iterate over (a subset of) nodes in Alfresco. The active strategy can be controlled with following property:
Strategy id: txn-id
Loops over (a subset of) nodes based on the ID of transactions in Alfresco.
Strategy id: last-txns
Loops over a subset of nodes based on the ID of transactions in Alfresco. Only nodes in the last N transactions are considered, so the only the most recently modified nodes are considered.
Indexing begins at the latest transaction and works its way backwards until lookback-transactions
transactions with nodes have been processed.
Activation property: eu.xenit.alfresco.healthprocessor.plugin.content-validation.enabled=true
Validates that properties of type d:content
point to content that actually exists in the Alfresco content store.
By default, the plugin will process all properties with type d:content
. It is also possible to limit this validation
to specific, predefined properties:,{foobar}baz
If this property is not set (which is the default), the plugin will request all properties of type d:content
from Alfresco's DictionaryService
When validating content, "NONE" in the reporting means, there is no status for a certain document, because it was not checked. For example, content checks report nodes without any content property as none.
Activation property: eu.xenit.alfresco.healthprocessor.plugin.solr-index.enabled=true
Validates that nodes are present in a Solr/Alfresco Search Services index.
By default, the plugin will check the solr server configured with
& solr.port
with the default alfresco
and archive
It is possible to configure the solr servers to check and, for sharded setups, which nodes should be present in which solr server.
Multiple solr servers (endpoints) can be configured.
A comma-separated list of named endpoints is configured in eu.xenit.alfresco.healthprocessor.plugin.solr-index.endpoints
Properties for a specific endpoint are configured under the eu.xenit.alfresco.healthprocessor.plugin.solr-index.endpoints.<endpoint>
: Configures the kind of endpoint selector to useAlways
(for non-sharded Solr setup) orDbIdRange
sharded Solr setup)filter
: Configures a filter for which nodes an endpoint will be used.Always
: Ignores this parameterDbIdRange
: Range of node database IDs to be indexed. Same configuration format asshard.range
for Solr:<start-id>-<end-id>
: Base URI to the Solr core.- solr4:
- solr6:
- solr4:
: The store ID from which this Solr core indexes. Usuallyworkspace://SpacesStore
Example configuration
# This property lists all endpoints that should be checked
When the health-processor is used for Solr index validation on Search Services 2.0 and upper it is advised to enable eu.xenit.alfresco.healthprocessor.plugin.solr-index.check-transaction=true
This property checks that the document is fully up-to-date with the latest transaction instead of only checking presence in the index in any version.
Activation property: eu.xenit.alfresco.healthprocessor.fixer.solr-missing-node.enabled=true
Attempts to fix nodes that are not indexed in Solr as detected by the Solr index Validation plugin.
The fixer will send an asynchronous REINDEX
command to all Solr endpoints that are determined to miss the node.
The Solr server will then re-index the node during its next tracking cycle.
All nodes for which an REINDEX
command has been succesfully sent are marked as FIXED
Note: Although the nodes are marked as FIXED, asynchronous indexing by the Solr server may still fail. Currently, this case can not be detected automatically, but a node that does not become HEALTHY in a subsequent Health-Processor run should be investigated why it is not being indexed.
Activation property: eu.xenit.alfresco.healthprocessor.fixer.solr-duplicate-node.enabled=true
Attempts to fix nodes that are duplicated in Solr as detected by the Solr index Validation plugin.
The fixer will send an asynchronous PURGE
command, followed by a REINDEX
command to all Solr endpoints that are determined to duplicate the node.
The Solr server will then be purge and re-index the node during its next tracking cycle.
All nodes for which an PURGE
commands has been succesfully sent are marked as FIXED
Note: Although the nodes are marked as FIXED, asynchronous purging/indexing by the Solr server may still fail. Currently, this case can not be detected automatically, but a node that does not become HEALTHY in a subsequent Health-Processor run should be investigated why it is not being indexed.
Activation property: eu.xenit.alfresco.healthprocessor.reporter.alfred-telemetry.enabled=true
Integration with Alfred Telemetry that can be used to expose HealthProcessor metrics to various monitoring systems.
Exposed metrics:
Available tags: /
A gauge with value 0 or 1, indicating if the reporter and hence by extension the Health-Processor is activehealth-processor.progress
Available tags: / A gauge with a value between 0.0 and 1.0, indicating the progress of the current Health-Processor cyclehealth-processor.plugins
Available tags: /
A gauge indicating the number of activeHealthProcessorPlugin
Available tags:status
(the class name of the HealthProcessorPlugin implementation).
A counter indicating the total number of processed reports, with the specific status and plugin as tag values.
Activation property: eu.xenit.alfresco.healthprocessor.reporter.log.summary.enabled=true
A simple implementation that writes, once a Health Processor cycle is completed, a summary and unhealthy nodes to the Alfresco logs.
Starting from alfresco 7.4, alfresco has migrated to log4j2. The original log4j logger will no longer exist.
Relevant logger (log4j) (pre Alfresco 7.3):
Relevant logger (log4j2):
Example output:
2021-03-03 12:40:40,273 INFO [healthprocessor.reporter.SummaryLoggingHealthReporter] [DefaultScheduler_Worker-2] SUMMARY ---
2021-03-03 12:40:40,273 INFO [healthprocessor.reporter.SummaryLoggingHealthReporter] [DefaultScheduler_Worker-2] Plugin[ContentValidationHealthProcessorPlugin] generated reports: {HEALTHY=230, UNHEALTHY=1, NONE=630}
2021-03-03 12:40:40,273 INFO [healthprocessor.reporter.SummaryLoggingHealthReporter] [DefaultScheduler_Worker-2] ---
2021-03-03 12:40:40,273 WARN [healthprocessor.reporter.SummaryLoggingHealthReporter] [DefaultScheduler_Worker-2] UNHEALTHY NODES ---
2021-03-03 12:40:40,274 WARN [healthprocessor.reporter.SummaryLoggingHealthReporter] [DefaultScheduler_Worker-2] Plugin[ContentValidationHealthProcessorPlugin] (#1):
2021-03-03 12:40:40,275 WARN [healthprocessor.reporter.SummaryLoggingHealthReporter] [DefaultScheduler_Worker-2] workspace://SpacesStore/86796712-4dc6-4b8d-973f-a943ef7f23ed: [Property: '{}content', contentUrl: 'store://2021/3/3/12/27/cb664208-abae-4da9-b7ee-81167a43041a.bin']
2021-03-03 12:40:40,275 WARN [healthprocessor.reporter.SummaryLoggingHealthReporter] [DefaultScheduler_Worker-2] ---
Activation property: eu.xenit.alfresco.healthprocessor.reporter.log.streaming.enabled=true
A simple implementation that writes unhealthy nodes to the Alfresco logs when they are reported.
Relevant logger:
Example output:
2021-10-06 08:08:05,965 WARN [reporter.log.StreamingLoggingHealthReporter] [DefaultScheduler_Worker-2] Plugin[SolrIndexValidationHealthProcessorPlugin] FIXED archive://SpacesStore/1ae6f9af-26e4-41ec-8836-29e52210a247: [Node is missing in search index SearchEndpoint(baseUri=http://solr:8080/solr/archive/).]
2021-10-06 08:08:05,965 INFO [reporter.log.StreamingLoggingHealthReporter] [DefaultScheduler_Worker-2] Fix SUCCEEDED: [REINDEX on SearchEndpoint(baseUri=http://solr:8080/solr/archive/) : scheduled]
2021-10-06 08:15:40,655 WARN [reporter.log.StreamingLoggingHealthReporter] [DefaultScheduler_Worker-1] Plugin[ContentValidationHealthProcessorPlugin] UNHEALTHY workspace://SpacesStore/960e0488-71e1-4894-8cc4-208a13df9f3d: [Property: '{}content', contentUrl: 'store://2021/10/6/8/7/e0fd5335-ba70-47d1-a452-9d00a23933f7.bin']
Activation property: eu.xenit.alfresco.healthprocessor.reporter.log.progress.enabled=true
A simple implementation that writes progress of a Health Processor cycle to the Alfresco logs.
Relevant logger:
Example output:
2021-08-27 08:25:44,150 INFO [healthprocessor.reporter.ProgressLoggingHealthReporter] [DefaultScheduler_Worker-6] Health-Processor iteration 47% completed. ETA: 00:00:27.000
2021-08-27 08:25:44,196 INFO [healthprocessor.reporter.ProgressLoggingHealthReporter] [DefaultScheduler_Worker-6] Health-Processor iteration 53% completed. ETA: 00:00:21.000
In addition to out of the box functionality, the HealthProcessor is designed to easily add custom plugins, fixers and reporters. All the
, HealthFixerPlugin
and HealthReporter
implementations available in the Spring context will be detected and used by
the Health Processor platform.
The API, containing required interfaces and helpful classes is available in Maven Central and can be added as a dependency in your project:
implementation "eu.xenit.alfresco:alfresco-health-processor-api:${last_version}"
The HealthProcessor is implemented as an Alfresco subsystem to allow configuration and restarts without restarting the whole Alfresco repository.
Your custom extensions can be put in 2 places. The following table documents both the locations of the required files and advantages/disadvantages of each approach.
Main Alfresco context | HealthProcessor subsystem context | |
Context XML | `classpath:alfresco/module/*/module-context.xml` | `classpath:alfresco/module/subsystems/HealthProcessor/default/*-context.xml` |
Default configuration | `classpath:alfresco/module/*/` | `classpath:alfresco/module/subsystems/HealthProcessor/default/*.properties` |
Re-configuration | Can only be done with `` and a restart of the repository | Can be done in `` and restarting the repository AND without restart with the [OOTB Support Tools Command Console]( |
Naming conflicts | When following best practices when naming the module, no naming conflicts should occur. | Take care to use an unique name for context & properties files, as they are in a shared namespace. |
Deploying extension with a Simple Module | Possible | Not supported |
Main extension point for plugging in custom health checking logic into the Health-Processor.
It creates a NodeHealthReport
for each Alfresco node that it has checked.
An example plugin is included as part of the integration tests of this project.
Extension point for plugging in logic into the Health-Processor to fix unhealthy nodes.
It handles unhealthy NodeHealthReport
s from a HealthProcessorPlugin
, tries to fix the unhealthy nodes and emits a NodeFixReport
with the results of the fix.
Extension point for plugging in reporting logic into the Health-Processor.
The methods of an HealthReporter are called at specific points in the Health-Processor lifecycle and can be used to
handle the reporting of NodeHealthReport
The default property file of the HealthProcessor subsystem contains an overview of all configuration and their default values.