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Defensive BASH programming

Here is my Katas for creating BASH programs that work. Nothing is new here, but from my experience pepole like to abuse BASH, forget computer science and create a Big ball of mud from their programs. Here I provide methods to defend your programs from braking, and keep the code tidy and clean.

Immutable global variables

  • Try to keep globals to minimum
  • UPPER_CASE naming
  • readonly decleration
  • Use globals to replace cryptic $0, $1, etc.
  • Globals I allways use in my programs:
readonly PROGNAME=$(basename $0)
readonly PROGDIR=$(readlink -m $(dirname $0))
readonly ARGS="$@"

Everything is local

All variable should be local.

change_owner_of_file() {
    local filename=$1
    local user=$2
    local group=$3

    chown $user:$group $filename
change_owner_of_files() {
    local user=$1; shift
    local group=$1; shift
    local files=$@
    local i

    for i in $files
        chown $user:$group $i
  • self documenting parameters
  • Usually for loop use i variable, so it is very important that you declare it as local.
  • local does not work on global scope.
kfir@goofy ~ $ local a
bash: local: can only be used in a function


  • Help keep all variables local
  • Intuitive for functional programming
  • The only global command in the code is: main
main() {
    local files="/tmp/a /tmp/b"
    local i

    for i in $files
        change_owner_of_file kfir users $i

Everything is a function

  • The only code that is running globaly is:
    • Global declerations that are immutable.
    • main
  • Keep code clean
  • procedures become descriptive
main() {
    local files=$(ls /tmp | grep pid | grep -v daemon)
temporary_files() {
    local dir=$1

    ls $dir
        | grep pid
        | grep -v daemon
main() {
    local files=$(temporary_files /tmp)
  • Second example is much better. Finding files is the problem of temporary_files() and not of main()'s. This code is also testable, by unit testing of temporary_files().
  • If you try to test the first example, you will mish mash finding temporary files with main algorithm.
test_temporary_files() {
    local dir=/tmp

    touch $dir/a-pid1232.tmp
    touch $dir/a-pid1232-daemon.tmp

    returns "$dir/a-pid1232.tmp" temporary_files $dir

    touch $dir/b-pid1534.tmp

    returns "$dir/a-pid1232.tmp $dir/b-pid1534.tmp" temporary_files $dir

As we see, this test does not concern main().

Debugging functions

  • Run program with -x flag:
  • debug just a small section of code using set -x and set +x, which will print debug info just for the current code wrapped with set -x … set +x.
temporary_files() {
    local dir=$1

    set -x
    ls $dir
        | grep pid
        | grep -v daemon
    set +x
  • Printing function name and its arguments:
temporary_files() {
    echo $FUNCNAME $@
    local dir=$1

    ls $dir
        | grep pid
        | grep -v daemon

So calling the function:

will print to the standard output:

Code clarity

What this code do?

main() {
    local dir=/tmp

    [[ -z $dir ]]
        && do_something...

    [[ -n $dir ]]
        && do_something...

    [[ -f $dir ]]
        && do_something...

    [[ -d $dir ]]
        && do_something...

Let your code speak:

is_empty() {
    local var=$1

    [[ -z $var ]]

is_not_empty() {
    local var=$1

    [[ -n $var ]]

is_file() {
    local file=$1

    [[ -f $file ]]

is_dir() {
    local dir=$1

    [[ -d $dir ]]

main() {
    local dir=/tmp

    is_empty $dir
        && do_something...

    is_not_empty $dir
        && do_something...

    is_file $dir
        && do_something...

    is_dir $dir
        && do_something...

Each line does just one thing

  • Break expression with back slash ``

For example:

temporary_files() {
    local dir=$1

    ls $dir | grep pid | grep -v daemon

Can be written much cleaner:

temporary_files() {
    local dir=$1

    ls $dir
        | grep pid
        | grep -v daemon
  • Symbols at the start of the line indented
# Bad example of symbols at the end:
temporary_files() {
    local dir=$1

    ls $dir |
        grep pid |
        grep -v daemon

Good example where we clearly see the connection between lines and the connecting rods:

print_dir_if_not_empty() {
    local dir=$1
    is_empty $dir
        && echo "dir is empty"
        || echo "dir=$dir"

Printing usage

Don't do this:

echo "this prog does:..."
echo "flags:"
echo "-h print help"

It should be a function:

usage() {
    echo "this prog does:..."
    echo "flags:"
    echo "-h print help"

echo is repeated in each line. For that we have Here Document:

usage() {
    cat <<- EOF
    usage: $PROGNAME options

    Program deletes files from filesystems to release space.
    It gets config file that define fileystem paths to work on, and whitelist rules to
    keep certain files.

       -c --config              configuration file containing the rules. use --help-config to see the syntax.
       -n --pretend             do not really delete, just how what you are going to do.
       -t --test                run unit test to check the program
       -v --verbose             Verbose. You can specify more then one -v to have more verbose
       -x --debug               debug
       -h --help                show this help
          --help-config         configuration help

       Run all tests:
       $PROGNAME --test all

       Run specific test:
       $PROGNAME --test

       $PROGNAME --config /path/to/config/$PROGNAME.conf

       Just show what you are going to do:
       $PROGNAME -vn -c /path/to/config/$PROGNAME.conf

Pay attention that there should be real tab 't' in the start of the line for each line. In vim you can use this replace command if your tab is 4 spaces:

Command line arguments

Here is an example to complement the usage function above. I got this code from Kirk's blog post - bash shell script to use getopts with gnu style long positional parameters:

cmdline() {
    # got this idea from here:
    local arg=
    for arg
        local delim=""
        case "$arg" in
            #translate --gnu-long-options to -g (short options)
            --config)         args="${args}-c ";;
            --pretend)        args="${args}-n ";;
            --test)           args="${args}-t ";;
            --help-config)    usage_config && exit 0;;
            --help)           args="${args}-h ";;
            --verbose)        args="${args}-v ";;
            --debug)          args="${args}-x ";;
            #pass through anything else
            *) [[ "${arg:0:1}" == "-" ]] || delim="""
                args="${args}${delim}${arg}${delim} ";;

    #Reset the positional parameters to the short options
    eval set -- $args

    while getopts "nvhxt:c:" OPTION
         case $OPTION in
             readonly VERBOSE=1
             exit 0
             readonly DEBUG='-x'
             set -x
             verbose VINFO "Running tests"
             readonly CONFIG_FILE=$OPTARG
             readonly PRETEND=1

    if [[ $recursive_testing || -z $RUN_TESTS ]]; then
        [[ ! -f $CONFIG_FILE ]]
            && eexit "You must provide --config file"
    return 0

You use it like this, using the immutable ARGS variable we defined at the top:

main() {
    cmdline $ARGS

Unit Testing

  • very important in higher level languages
  • Use shunit2 for unit testing
test_config_line_paths() {
    local s='partition cpm-all, 80-90,'

    returns "/a" "config_line_paths '$s /a, '"
    returns "/a /b/c" "config_line_paths '$s /a:/b/c, '"
    returns "/a /b /c" "config_line_paths '$s   /a  :    /b : /c, '"

config_line_paths() {
    local partition_line="$@"

    echo $partition_line
        | csv_column 3
        | delete_spaces
        | column 1
        | colons_to_spaces

source /usr/bin/shunit2

Here is another example using df command:


mock_df_with_eols() {
    cat <<- EOF
    Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                         124628916  23063572 100299192  19% /

test_disk_size() {
    returns 1000 "disk_size /dev/sda1"

    returns 124628916 "disk_size /very/long/device/path"

df_column() {
    local disk_device=$1
    local column=$2

    $DF $disk_device
        | grep -v 'Use%'
        | tr 'n' ' '
        | awk "{print $$column}"

disk_size() {
    local disk_device=$1

    df_column $disk_device 2

Here I have exception, for testing, I declare DF in the global scope not readonly. This is because of shunit2 not allowing to change global scope functions.


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