The handout for the project is:
Design and build an automatic robot hardware that
- explores the walled maze;
- stops at the treasure inside the maze and takes picture(s) of the treasure;
- leaves the maze and returns to the starting position;
- records the exploration and stores information for other parts of the system;
Extra functions:
- explores a more complicated maze (e.g. larger maze, with multiple splits/branches).
- self-designed other functions.
- Four wheels each with a motor
- Every two motors on one side is controlled by one l298n
- Each l298n connects to a same independent power source
- Three kinds of sensors: ultrasonic sensor, Collision sensor, Color sensor
- Mainly depend on three Ultrasonic sensors
- The motherboard supply their power Uniformly
- Bluetooth module can send data from motherboard to computer
Set a hyperparameter TOLERANCE representing the minimum distance to the wall:
if distanceForward < TOLERANCE (the robot’s head is too close to wall)
If distanceLeft > distanceRight (the robot’s right is too close to wall)