"Ugh, I have to add CSS to my project, what do I need again?"
Just install Wonka and go, even gives you a browser reset :)
(ns my.app
(:require [wonka.core :as w]))
;; Easily inject a browser reset (Eric Meyer's modest reset)
;; Do this somewhere once
;; Set up theme variables
;; Keywords in this map can be used as CSS values, and their values will be swapped in
;; Wonka recognizes your theme variables by a configured prefix (below), in this case it would be "app"
(def app-theme
{:app.colors/black "#323232"
:app.padding/page-wrap 20})
;; One time set up, give wonka your theme map and prefix
(w/config {:theme app-theme
:theme-prefix "app"})
(def app-root [{:keys [show-border?]}]
;; You'll mostly use `w/css` It can take multiple maps and results of other `w/css` calls
;; :keyword values are converted to strings
;; For CSS rules that take multiple values, use `w/join` e.g. `:box-shadow (w/join 4 4 20 :app.colors/black)`
[:div {:class (w/css {:display :flex
:padding :app.padding/page-wrap
:color :app.colors/black}
(when show-border?
{:border (w/join 1 :solid :app.colors/black)}))}
"Hello World!"])
Takes a variable number of arguments, which could be:
- A map of CSS properties
- A glamor object generated by a previous
call - A CSS class name as a string or keyword
- A
value (so we can usewhen
and returns a glamor object or a coll that includes a glamor object and any CSS class names as strings."
Creates and returns a glamor keyframe definition. Use it inside css:
(def kf (w/keyframes {:from {:opacity 0}
:to {:opacity 1}}))
[:div {:class (w/css {:animation kf})}]
CSS allows you to specify many shorthand properties as a single string
(ex: background-image: url(images/bg.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat;
becomes background: url(images/bg.gif) no-repeat
). String concat isn't fun
in Clojure, so you can use the paper.core/join to a sequence of properties
into CSS shorthand string. Automatically appends "px" to integers and does
paper namespaced keyword lookups in the styleguide.
[:div {:class (w/css {:background (w/join \"url(images/bg.gif)\" \"no-repeat\")})}]
Takes a map with two keywords:
A map of aliased values that can be used as inside of aw/css
Wonka looks up CSS keyword values as potential theme values
The theme map should have some sort of theme prefix.
(def app-theme
{:app.colors/black "#323232"
:app.fonts/primary "Monotype"})
You would pass the string "app"
as the :theme-prefix
Can be called to add a CSS reset to your app. It's the Eric Meyer reset. If you want something larger, like normalize.css, you can pass any raw CSS string to wonka.core/insert!
Adds some css to the element globally
Takes a CSS selector string, and a map of CSS
(wonka.core/insert-global! "#app" {:margin 20})
Adds some arbitrary CSS to the page
Takes a raw CSS string
(wonka.core/insert! "body {font-family: Helvetica}")
Copyright © 2018 Workframe, Inc.
Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.