A shell plugin that integrates fzf and fasd --- tab completion of z
with fzf's fuzzy search!
Currently supports zsh only (TODO: bash), and the z
command (TODO: d,
and f,
z [dir name slug]<TAB>
To configure fzf height or any other options passed to fzf, tune FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT
for all fzf widgets (e.g. CTRL-T), or FZF_FASD_OPTS
for fzf-fasd only.
For example:
export FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT='40%' # default height is 40%
export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS='--height 80%'
export FZF_FASD_OPTS='--prompt "fasd_cd> "'
Make sure that you have fzf and fasd installed.
zplug "wookayin/fzf-fasd"
or use your favorite plugin manager.
- fz, which inspired this plugin.
MIT License (c) 2017-2020 Jongwook Choi