This exercise comes to test your ability to create all the basic resources we are using in our company this also serves as a way for us to view the way you interact with us and the team
The application you will need to compile and run is a GO application - We chose this since it's a simple enough example but still includes elements that you might need to do some research to manage to work with but there is ample documentation for you to use.
- the code you will need to compile is in app/server.go file
- you can use any compiler you choose for this example
- Create a source project repository for this exercise.
- Create a README for the source project, which includes some of the following information:
- A summary of the exercise as executed.
- Any important details (tools utilized, OSS component dependencies, etc.) in support of the exercise.
- URLs or sources of information used to create your work.
- Any other information you think is pertinent.
- All best practices for source control should be utilized.
Create application and cloud resource orchestration deployment processes to deploy the provided Go application
- The application must be deployed fully via an automated process.
- Include details as to how you believe this process would be triggered in your source project README.
- Deploy the ec2 instance using Terraform
- you may install Jenkins manually or use any automation tool you feel comforatble with
- Install the required plugins as necessary
- Create a Jenkins pipeline to compile and build the binary and docker container
- Push the docker container into an ECR
- This application should be accessible via the public internet.
- Provide a link to your source project repository.