To provide access to the NetDocuments Soap API within node.js applications. Now that NetDocs has a REST API, this is obsolete.
Javascript functions which accept:
- variables as described in the NetDocuments API documentation
- authentication cookies as needed
- a callback function to be processed after the response
The soap layer is abstracted away and functions return json.
The API includes both a storage endpoint and a directory endpoint which are reference in the functions below.
directory.login(username, password, fn)
username = string
password = string
returns an array of cookies
directory.getAttributes(cookies, objId, aAttr, fn)
cookies = array of cookies
objId = string
aAttr = array of attributes
returns an object
directory.setAttributes(cookies, objId, oAttr, fn)
cookies = array of cookies
objId = string
oAttr = object of attributes(keys) and values
returns an empty reponse on success
storage.getAttributes(cookies, objId, aAttr, fn)
cookies = array of cookies
objId = string
aAttr = array of attributes
returns an object
storage.setAttributes(cookies, objId, oAttr, fn)
cookies = array of cookies
objId = string
oAttr = object of attributes(keys) and values
returns an empty reponse on success
Search, criteria, aAttr, fn)
cookies = array of cookies
criteria = string
aAttr = array of attributes
returns an object
storage.create(cookies, objType, name, cabGuid, oAttr, fn)
cookies = array of cookies
objType = string
name = string
cabGuid = string
oAttr = object of attributes(keys) and values
returns a string containing new object id
storage.createDocB(cookies, name, base64binary, cabGuid, oAttr, fn)
cookies = array of cookies
name = string
cabGuid = string
base64binary = string
oAttr = object of attributes(keys) and values
returns a string containing new object id
storage.delete(cookies, objId, fn)
cookies = array of cookies
objId = string
returns an empty reponse on success
storage.preDelete(cookies, objId, fn)
cookies = array of cookies
objId = string
returns an empty reponse on success
storage.fileInFolder(cookies, folderId, aDocs, fn)
cookies = array of cookies
folderId = string
aDocs = array of document ids
returns an empty reponse on success
storage.removeFromFolder(cookies, folderId, aDocs, fn)
cookies = array of cookies
folderId = string
aDocs = array of document ids
returns an empty reponse on success
storage.deleteFolder(cookies, folderId, deleteFolder, subFoldersAlso, deleteContent, fn)
cookies = array of cookies
folderId = string
deleteFolder = boolean
subFoldersAlso = boolean
deleteContent = boolean
returns an empty reponse on success
storage.retrieveLookupData(cookies, attrNum, fn)
cookies = array of cookies
attrNum = integer
returns an object