With the advent of powerful AI solutions in Radiology, there is growing need to split the workload across multiple workers. WolfPACS acts as a load balancer, sending DICOM series to the correct worker.
Enable a pool of heterogeneous workers (hardware, software) to serve multiple clients in a flexible way.
WolfPACS is currently in the Alpha phase of development. Some critical bugs may still remain in the software.
WolfPACS needs more black-box testing. If you have a use case please write [email protected].
- Support a secondary node which can take over or run in parallel to the main node.
Imagine a Medical AI company called Stroke Insight. They have developed a cutting-edge algorithm to analyze MRIs; to detect strokes. To analyze the images, they need computers with a lot of GPU power. We call these machines workers.
These expensive computers are critical resources, that need serve many clients concurrently. Moreover, once in a while, they need to take one or more workers offline in order to upgrade the software and/or the hardware. To avoid announcing a service window, they want to be able to move load between workers in a safe way.
For this flexibility, they need and use WolfPACS. Which can enable a pool of heterogeneous workers (hardware, software) to serve multiple clients in a flexible way.
Two clients, a hospital in Stockholm and one in Berlin are using Stroke Insight's software. Naturally, both the hospital in Stockholm and Berlin have their own central PACS systems on premises. Whereas, Stroke Insight has their computers in a data center.
flowchart LR
subgraph Stockholm
S_CLIENT[Radiologist] -->|Trigger| S_PACS[Local PACS]
S_PACS -->|Primary series| WP
subgraph Berlin
B_CLIENT[Radiologist] -->|Trigger| B_PACS[Local PACS]
subgraph WolfPACS
WP[Primary node]
SD[Secondary node]
subgraph Worker pool
WP-->|Series with the same StudyUID\nwill always end up on the same worker|WA[Worker C]
WB[Worker D]
subgraph Worker pool
WP-->WC[Worker A]
WD[Worker B]
- A Radiologist sends the primary series to Stroke Insight (which are running WolfPACS as a load balancer.)
- WolfPACS receives the series and routes the images to an appropriate worker with the right software.
flowchart LR
subgraph Worker pool
WA[Worker A]
WB[Worker B]
subgraph Worker pool
WC[Worker C]
WD[Worker D]
WA-->|Derived series|WP
subgraph WolfPACS
WP[Primary node]
SD[Secondary node]
WP-->|Route the derived series\nto the original sender|S_PACS
subgraph Berlin
B_PACS[Local PACS]-->B_CLIENT[Radiologist]
subgraph Stockholm
S_PACS[Local PACS]-->S_CLIENT[Radiologist]
- The worker sends the new derived series back to WolfPACS.
- Finally, WolfPACS sends the new series back to the correct destination.
Any router / load balancer has two sides. One side facing the outside world. And the other side facing the inside world (workers).
We expose port 11112 for outside clients of WolfPACS. Workers on the other side, should contact WolfPACS on port 11113.
Therefore, if you deploy WolfPACS, you need to expose 11112 to the outside world. Whereas you want to keep 11113 open inside the firewall (trusted side).
flowchart LR
subgraph WolfPACS
WP[Primary node]
SD[Secondary node]
CA[Clients]-->|Port 11112|WolfPACS
WA[Workers]-->|Port 11113|WP
A client is anyone with the correct Application Entity (AE). This acts as a shared secret / password.
A destination is a server that can receive DICOM data. WolfPACS needs a hostname, an IP-address and a called AE.
So the client will send data to WolfPACS and the destination will receive data from WolfPACS.
Start WolfPACS in background.
docker run -d -p 11112:11112 -p 11113:11113 wolfpacs/wolfpacs
Debug WolfPACS instance
docker run -it -p 11112:11112 -p 11113:11113 wolfpacs/wolfpacs console
It is possible to configure some parts of WolfPACS using environmental variables.
Variable | Description | Default |
WOLFPACS_INSIDE_PORT | The port towards the workers | 11112 |
WOLFPACS_OUTSIDE_PORT | The port facing the outside world | 11113 |
The following transfer syntax are are supported:
Transfer Syntax | UID | Supported |
Implicit VR Little Endian | 1.2.840.10008.1.2 | Yes |
Explicit VR Little Endian | 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1 | Yes |
Explicit VR Big Endian | 1.2.840.10008.1.2.2 | Yes |
A PACS is classified as a medical device and needs to be painstakingly tested.
We use four different test in WolfPACS and we aim to test the software thoroughly.
Test | Target | Method |
Unit tests | One Module | Erlang Eunit |
Integration tests | Many Modules | Erlang Common Tests |
Validation testing | User requirements | Python Robot Framework |
Property based testing | Hidden bugs / Fussing | Erlang proper |