Various file system packages.
@file-services/types - Common file system types and interfaces.
@file-services/node - Node.js-specific file system implementation.
@file-services/memory - An in-memory, sync/async, file system implementation.
@file-services/cached - A file system wrapper that adds cache to any
implementation -
@file-services/utils - Common file system utility functions.
@file-services/test-kit - File system test contracts.
@file-services/typescript - Methods for creation of TypeScript hosts.
@file-services/resolve - Isomorphic, fs-agnostic implementation of the Node resolution algorithm.
@file-services/commonjs - Isomorphic, fs-agnostic implementation of the Node commonjs module system.
@file-services/overlay - Overlay files and directories from one file system on top of another.
@file-services/path - Node's
implementation, ready for the web.