The cleanest way to integrate background processing into your application.
Backgrounded provides a thin wrapper around any background processing framework that implements the Backgrounded handler API which makes it trivial to swap out processing frameworks with no impact to your code.
- clean and concise API which removes any dependency on external “worker” jobs and allows you to execute any model method in the background
- integrates with any background processing framework (DelayedJob, Resque, JobFu, Workling, etc)
- background methods can be actually unit tested by using an "in process" runner
- custom callbacks to execute ActiveRecord callbacks in the background after being committed to the database
class User
def do_stuff
def self.do_something_else
user =
# execute instance method in background
# execute class method in background
Automatically execute a callback in the background after a model has been saved to the database. All of the standard after_commit options are available as well as an optional :backgrounded option which will be passed to the Backgrounded::Handler.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# execute :do_something in the background after committed
after_commit_backgrounded :do_something
# execute :do_something_else in the background after committed
# passing custom options to the backgrounded handler
after_commit_backgrounded :do_something_else, :backgrounded => {:priority => :high}
$ gem install backgrounded
Backgrounded handlers are available for popular libraries in separate gems. Just drop in the gem for your particular framework or write your own!
Writing a custom handler is as simple as:
# config/initializers/backgrounded.rb
class MyHandler
# @param object is the target object to invoke the method upon
# @param method is the requested method to call
# @param args is the optional list of arguments to pass to the method
# @param options is the optional hash of options passed to the backgrounded call
def request(object, method, args, options={})
# process the call however you want!
# configure backgrounded to use your handler like so:
Backgrounded.configure do |config|
config.handler =
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