Automizy JS — Automizy widget collection
AutomizyJS is a jQuery UI-like GUI and widget collection, with all the necessary features to create complete applications, by creating simple objects, or calling short methods. You only have to define the bases, AutomizyJs will make the rest of the work.
As reference we built Automizy, our professional marketing automation software using Automizy JS and AutomizyJs API.
Creating AutomizyJs modules is easy, you can define them by writing only a couple of lines.
var dialog = $A.newDialog({
title: 'Import contacts',
buttons: [
{skin: 'nobox-green',text: 'Cancel',float: 'left',click: function(){dialog.close();}},
{skin: 'simple-orange',text: 'Next',float: 'right'}
content: $A.newForm({
inputs: [
{label: 'Import file',type: 'file'},
{label: 'Add to segment',type: 'select',multiselect: $A.d.defines.input.setupSelectObj,
options:[[0, '--- Nothing ---'],[12, 'First Segment'],[15, 'Second Segment']]
{label: 'Email',validator: 'email'}
Furthermore, nearly all methods are chainable, which makes coding even more simple:
var dialog = $A.newDialog().title('Import contacts').buttons([
$A.newInput().label('Import file').type('file'),
$A.newInput().label('Add to segment').type('select').multiselect($A.d.defines.input.setupSelectObj).options([
[0, '--- Nothing ---'],[12, 'First Segment'],[15, 'Second Segment']
AutomizyJs can use all jQuery methods, so you won't have any troubles with integrating.
You can check the full documentation of AutomizyJs here:
In case you are interested in our other projects too, check
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].