Neovim config files for standalone usage or together with vscode.
Git LFS must be installed before cloning this repo.
Vim pluggin manager vim-plug is required.
win32yank is required on Windows to fix line ending issues.
Install win32yank with scoop:
scoop install win32yank
im-select.exe has already included in this repo.
No more operations need to be taken.
im-select should be installed separately with HomeBrew:
brew tap daipeihust/tap
brew install im-select
Nushell is recommended, or you need to slightly modify init.vim.
Bob makes life easy to install,
update and switch between different Neovim versions on any OS.
It's especially useful on Linux distributions where neovim isn't up to date like Ubuntu or Debian.
For alternative ways to install Neovim, you may choose Homebrew for macOS and Scoop for Windows.
Powerline Font is recommended to use in your terminal.
In this case Cascadia Mono PL is a good choice.
With vim-plug already installed,
just copy and paste init.vim and run :PlugInstall
inside neovim.
If plugins are not suitable in your case, plug-free.vim is an alternative.
init.vim and plug-free.vim can also be used to configure vim.
For example you may create a symbolic link like this:
# Linux and macOS
ln -s ~/.config/nvim/init.vim ~/.vimrc
REM Windows
mklink ~\.vimrc ~\AppData\Local\nvim\init.vim
To be compatible with vscode, modify VSCode Neovim extension settings:
Vscode-neovim > Neovim Init Vim Paths