API supporting iOS app Binge: https://github.com/wfgilman/Binge-iOS
RESTful JSON webservice featuring:
- SMS based authentication using JSON webtoken
- PostgreSQL database
- AWS S3 hosting of images for over 1,500 dishes across 80 restaurants
- Erlang Term Store (ETS) cache to quickly identify matches during swiping
- Automatic expiry of liked dishes from cache
- iOS Push notifications on dish or restaurant match when perusing with friend
- Manually curated catalog of menu items images and restaurant metadata for Redwood City, CA
- CSV of restaurant metadata parsed and seeded into database table
- CSV of concatenated restaurant and menu item (dish) name parsed, seeded and keyed to restaurant
- User created account profile via mobile app
- User-friend records
- Many-to-many user-friend dish matches
- Web server using Phoenix 1.6
- iOS Push Notifications by Pigeon
- Webtoken Authentication by Guardian 2.0
- SMS Messaging with Twilio and API bindings
- Application Performance Monitoring by AppSignal
- Elixir/Erlange Releases using Distillery
- Hosting and deployment using Gigalixir