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You’re The King Of Your Castle! [ under development ]

Target platforms: Xubuntu



sudo apt get install git
git clone ~/.dotfiles

This will clone repository to ~/.dotfiles directory


.dotfiles/ install


df_config           --open dotfiles in `$EDITOR`
df_udate            --restart dotfiles

Source structure

├── config          --config files for tools like ssh/terminator/etc
├──     --main script to install dotfiles
├── install         --install scripts for apt/pip/snap/etc
├── scripts         --some user scripts
├── system          --system scripts like bashrc/alias/functions/etc
├── theme           --fonts/wallpapers/icons
└── xfce            --xfce specific configuration files


  • mk: Create a new directory and enter it
  • g: No arguments: git status, else acts like git
  • play: This creates a new playground with the name given as a - command line arg
  • o: With no arguments opens the current directory, otherwise opens - the given location
  • tre: Shorthand for tree with hidden files and color enabled
  • ssh_key: Print SSH if exist, else generate before
  • logbook: Create markdown file with actual date, default in - ~/Notebook/logbook/
  • extract: Extracts archived files
  • backup: Create a copy of a file/directory with appended .backup
  • nline: Color lines, use case $ ls -l | nline 5
  • cleanup: Cleanup apt, trash and sort files in Downloads directory
  • update: Update all packages in apt/flake/snap
  • current: Save current installed packages list
  • e: Open current directory in editor, or other with e ~/directory
  • gitpush: Commit all uncommited files and push
  • mv_next_display: Move window to next display
  • sysinfo: Custom show system info
  • terminal_test: Test terminal colors

TODO before reinstall

  • copy .thunderbird file
  • create script to make everything from this list


The contents of this repo are in the public domain. See the LICENSE for details.
