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Add StreamingType sanity tests using cbor
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FinleyMcIlwaine committed Jan 24, 2024
1 parent 891eca8 commit 39fbf1c
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Showing 5 changed files with 256 additions and 3 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions grapesy.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -214,6 +214,7 @@ test-suite test-grapesy
Expand All @@ -228,6 +229,7 @@ test-suite test-grapesy
-- External dependencies
, async >= 2.2 && < 2.3
, bytestring >= 0.10 && < 0.12
, serialise >= 0.2 && < 0.3
, containers >= 0.6 && < 0.7
, contra-tracer >= 0.2 && < 0.3
, data-default >= 0.7 && < 0.8
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Network/GRPC/Common/StreamElem.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ instance Bitraversable StreamElem where
-- Returns 'Nothing' in case of 'NoMoreElems'
-- Using this function loses the information whether the item was the final
-- item; this information can be recovered using 'definitelyFinal'.
-- item; this information can be recovered using 'whenDefinitelyFinal'.
value :: StreamElem b a -> Maybe a
value = \case
StreamElem a -> Just a
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Network/GRPC/Util/Session/Channel.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ getInboundHeaders Channel{channelInbound} =
-- | Send a message to the node's peer
-- It is a bug to call 'send' again after the final message (that is, a message
-- which 'StreamElem.definitelyFinal' considers to be final). Doing so will
-- which 'StreamElem.whenDefinitelyFinal' considers to be final). Doing so will
-- result in a 'SendAfterFinal' exception.
send :: forall sess.
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion test-grapesy/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import Test.Tasty

import Test.Prop.Dialogue qualified as Dialogue
import Test.Prop.Serialization qualified as Serialization
import Test.Sanity.StreamingType qualified as StreamingType
import Test.Sanity.StreamingType.NonStreaming qualified as StreamingType.NonStreaming
import Test.Sanity.HalfClosedLocal qualified as HalfClosedLocal

Expand All @@ -12,7 +13,8 @@ main = defaultMain $ testGroup "grapesy" [
testGroup "Sanity" [
, testGroup "StreamingType" [
, StreamingType.NonStreaming.tests
, testGroup "Prop" [
Expand Down
249 changes: 249 additions & 0 deletions test-grapesy/Test/Sanity/StreamingType.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Test.Sanity.StreamingType (tests) where

import Codec.Serialise qualified as Cbor
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Default
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Void
import GHC.TypeLits
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit

import Network.GRPC.Client qualified as Client
import Network.GRPC.Client.StreamType qualified as Client
import Network.GRPC.Common
import Network.GRPC.Common.StreamElem qualified as StreamElem
import Network.GRPC.Common.StreamType qualified as StreamType
import Network.GRPC.Server qualified as Server
import Network.GRPC.Server.StreamType qualified as Server

import Test.Driver.ClientServer

tests :: TestTree
tests =
testGroup "Test.Sanity.StreamingType" [
testCaseInfo "calculator" $
test_calculator_cbor def

-- | Calculator gRPC client\/server example.
-- Uses CBOR as the data format, and uses all stream types.
data CalcRpc (serv :: Symbol) (meth :: Symbol)

-- | Non-streaming sum of a list of numbers
type SumQuickRpc = CalcRpc "calculator" "sumQuick"

-- | Input is the list of numbers to sum, output is the sum. Serialization
-- format is CBOR.
instance IsRPC SumQuickRpc where
type Input SumQuickRpc = [Int]
type Output SumQuickRpc = Int
serializationFormat _ = "cbor"
serviceName _ = "calculator"
methodName _ = "sumQuick"
messageType _ = "cbor"
serializeInput _ = Cbor.serialise @(Input SumQuickRpc)
serializeOutput _ = Cbor.serialise @(Output SumQuickRpc)
deserializeInput _ = first show . Cbor.deserialiseOrFail @(Input SumQuickRpc)
deserializeOutput _ = first show . Cbor.deserialiseOrFail @(Output SumQuickRpc)
StreamType.SupportsStreamingType SumQuickRpc 'StreamType.NonStreaming

-- | Server-streaming sum of an inclusive range
-- The server streams intermediate results as it sums the list of numbers
type SumFromToRpc = CalcRpc "calculator" "sumFromTo"

-- | Input is a pair of 'Int's specifying the inclusive range to sum, output is
-- 'Int's representing the intermediate sums calculated by the server.
-- Serialization format is CBOR.
instance IsRPC SumFromToRpc where
type Input SumFromToRpc = (Int, Int)
type Output SumFromToRpc = Int
serializationFormat _ = "cbor"
serviceName _ = "calculator"
methodName _ = "sumFromTo"
messageType _ = "cbor"
serializeInput _ = Cbor.serialise @(Input SumFromToRpc)
serializeOutput _ = Cbor.serialise @(Output SumFromToRpc)
deserializeInput _ = first show . Cbor.deserialiseOrFail @(Input SumFromToRpc)
deserializeOutput _ = first show . Cbor.deserialiseOrFail @(Output SumFromToRpc)
StreamType.SupportsStreamingType SumFromToRpc 'StreamType.ServerStreaming

-- | Client-streaming sum
-- The client streams 'Int's while the server accumulates the sum, then reports
-- at the end.
type SumListenRpc = CalcRpc "calculator" "sumListen"

-- | Input is 'Int', output is 'Int', serialization format is CBOR.
instance IsRPC SumListenRpc where
type Input SumListenRpc = Int
type Output SumListenRpc = Int
serializationFormat _ = "cbor"
serviceName _ = "calculator"
methodName _ = "sumListen"
messageType _ = "cbor"
serializeInput _ = Cbor.serialise @(Input SumListenRpc)
serializeOutput _ = Cbor.serialise @(Output SumListenRpc)
deserializeInput _ = first show . Cbor.deserialiseOrFail @(Input SumListenRpc)
deserializeOutput _ = first show . Cbor.deserialiseOrFail @(Output SumListenRpc)
StreamType.SupportsStreamingType SumListenRpc 'StreamType.ClientStreaming

-- | Bi-directional streaming sum
-- The client streams integers while the server accumulates a sum and reports
-- the current sum for every integer it receives.
type SumChatRpc = CalcRpc "calculator" "sumChat"

-- | Input is 'Int', output is 'Int', serialization format is CBOR.
instance IsRPC SumChatRpc where
type Input SumChatRpc = Int
type Output SumChatRpc = Int
serializationFormat _ = "cbor"
serviceName _ = "calculator"
methodName _ = "sumChat"
messageType _ = "cbor"
serializeInput _ = Cbor.serialise @(Input SumChatRpc)
serializeOutput _ = Cbor.serialise @(Output SumChatRpc)
deserializeInput _ = first show . Cbor.deserialiseOrFail @(Input SumChatRpc)
deserializeOutput _ = first show . Cbor.deserialiseOrFail @(Output SumChatRpc)
StreamType.SupportsStreamingType SumChatRpc 'StreamType.BiDiStreaming

test_calculator_cbor :: ClientServerConfig -> IO String
test_calculator_cbor config = do
testClientServer assessCustomException $ def {
, client = \withConn -> withConn $ \conn -> do
nonStreamingSumCheck conn
serverStreamingSumCheck conn
clientStreamingSumCheck conn
biDiStreamingSumCheck conn
, server = [
, serverStreamingSumHandler
, clientStreamingSumHandler
, biDiStreamingSumHandler
-- Starting number for the sums (inclusive)
start :: Int
start = 0

-- Ending number for the sums (inclusive)
end :: Int
end = 100

nums :: [Int]
nums = [start .. end]

-- Intermediate results of summing nums ([0,1,3,6,10,...])
intermediateSums :: [Int]
intermediateSums =
snd $ mapAccumL (\acc n -> let s = acc + n in (s,s)) 0 nums

-- Ask for the sum of nums in nonStreaming fashion and check
-- that it's accurate
nonStreamingSumCheck :: Client.Connection -> IO ()
nonStreamingSumCheck conn = do
resp <- StreamType.nonStreaming (Client.rpc @SumQuickRpc conn) nums
assertEqual "" (sum nums) resp

-- Return the sum of a list of numbers
nonStreamingSumHandler :: Server.RpcHandler IO
nonStreamingSumHandler =
Server.streamingRpcHandler (Proxy @SumQuickRpc) $
StreamType.mkNonStreaming $ \(ns :: [Int]) ->
return (sum ns)

-- Ask for the sum of nums with the server streaming intermediate
-- results. Save the intermediate results, then make sure they are accurate.
serverStreamingSumCheck :: Client.Connection -> IO ()
serverStreamingSumCheck conn = do
receivedSumFromTo <- newIORef @[Int] []
StreamType.serverStreaming (Client.rpc @SumFromToRpc conn) (start, end) $ \n -> do
atomicModifyIORef' receivedSumFromTo $ \ns -> (n:ns, ())
resp <- readIORef receivedSumFromTo
assertEqual "" intermediateSums (reverse resp)

-- Stream the intermediate sums while summing a whole range of numbers
serverStreamingSumHandler :: Server.RpcHandler IO
serverStreamingSumHandler =
Server.streamingRpcHandler (Proxy @SumFromToRpc) $
StreamType.mkServerStreaming $ \((from, to) :: (Int, Int)) send ->
(\acc n -> let next = acc + n in send next >> return next)
[from .. to]

-- Stream a list of numbers to the server and expect the sum of the numbers
-- back
clientStreamingSumCheck :: Client.Connection -> IO ()
clientStreamingSumCheck conn = do
sendingNums <- newIORef @[Int] nums
resp <- StreamType.clientStreaming (Client.rpc @SumListenRpc conn) $ do
atomicModifyIORef' sendingNums $
[] -> ([], NoMoreElems NoMetadata)
[x] -> ([], FinalElem x NoMetadata)
(x:xs) -> (xs, StreamElem x)
assertEqual "" (sum nums) resp

-- Receive a stream of numbers, return the sum
clientStreamingSumHandler :: Server.RpcHandler IO
clientStreamingSumHandler =
Server.streamingRpcHandler (Proxy @SumListenRpc) $
StreamType.mkClientStreaming $ \recv -> do
sum <$> StreamElem.collect recv

-- Stream numbers, get back intermediate sums, make sure the intermediate
-- sums we get back are accurate
biDiStreamingSumCheck :: Client.Connection -> IO ()
biDiStreamingSumCheck conn = do
sendingNums <- newIORef @[Int] nums
recvingNums <- newIORef @[Int] []
StreamType.biDiStreaming (Client.rpc @SumChatRpc conn)
( do
atomicModifyIORef' sendingNums $
[] -> ([], NoMoreElems NoMetadata)
[x] -> ([], FinalElem x NoMetadata)
(x:xs) -> (xs, StreamElem x)
( \acc ->
atomicModifyIORef' recvingNums ((,()) . (acc:))
recvdNums <- readIORef recvingNums
assertEqual "" intermediateSums (reverse recvdNums)

-- Receive numbers and stream the intermediate sums back
biDiStreamingSumHandler :: Server.RpcHandler IO
biDiStreamingSumHandler =
Server.streamingRpcHandler (Proxy @SumChatRpc) $
StreamType.mkBiDiStreaming $ \recv send ->
go acc =
recv >>= \case
NoMoreElems _ -> return ()
FinalElem n _ -> send (acc + n) >> go (acc + n)
StreamElem n -> send (acc + n) >> go (acc + n)
go 0


assessCustomException :: SomeException -> CustomException Void
assessCustomException = const CustomExceptionUnexpected

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