Source code for ECML-PKDD paper: FedMAX: Mitigating Activation Divergence for Accurate and Communication-Efficient Federated Learning
FEMNIST*: The datasets is created from EMNIST, but sometimes torchvision fails to download the dataset. The datasets can be found from the following link:
Once the dataset is downloaded, it can be place at "./digit_object_recognition/datasets/emnist" -
Chest X-ray: The datasets is from Kaggle with the link:
Place the dataset at "./medical_data/chest_xray" -
APTOS: The datasets is from Kaggle with the link: and
Place the dataset at "./medical_data/inputs" and construct the directory as follows:
|–– inputs
| |–– diabetic-retinopathy-resized/
| |–– test_images/
| |–– train_images/
| |–– train.csv
| |–– test.csv
pip install -r requirements.txt
It implements experiments on three digit/object recognition datasets: FEMNIST*, CIFAR10, and CIFAR100 (both IID and non-IID). It also implements experiments on two medical datasets: APTOS and ChestXray
Our code is supposed to run in the GPU.
cd ./digit_object_recognition
The regularization method can be identified via '--loss_type': 'none' represents FedAvg, 'fedprox' represents FedProx, 'fedmax' represents FedMAX, 'l2' represents L2 norm.
The '--beta' of FedMAX can be 1000, '--mu' of FedProx can be 1.
Please refer to file to change the arguments
cd ./medical_data
In the arguments, if '--beta' is 0, it's FedAvg. For APTOS dataset, we use '--beta 10000'; for Chest X-ray, we use '--beta 1000'.
Please refer to file to change the arguments
For example, the result of digit/object recognition dataset can be shown as follows:
We can see the better performance of FedMAX.
@misc{chen2020fedmax, title={FedMAX: Mitigating Activation Divergence for Accurate and Communication-Efficient Federated Learning}, author={Wei Chen and Kartikeya Bhardwaj and Radu Marculescu}, year={2020}, eprint={2004.03657}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.LG} }