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Module configuration

Christian Mayer edited this page May 20, 2020 · 4 revisions


JSON configuration objects for Wegue modules.


The modules object contains sub-objects, whereas the key is the identifier for the module and the value is the dedicated module configuration. For example:

  "wgu-layerlist": {
    "target": "menu",
    "win": true,
    "draggable": false

The following properties can be applied to all map module types:

Property Mandatory Meaning Example
target x Where should the button to enable/disable the module be rendered. Valid options are menu or toolbar "target": "menu".
win x Boolean value to mark if the module has a window as sub component to show addition module UI elements. "win": true"
draggable Boolean value to enable a window module be draggable over the viewport. Only applies if win is set to true. CAUTION: This feature is experimental and not recommended for production usage. "draggable": false
initPos The initial position for the module window in absolute viewport coordinates. Only applies if win is set to true. "initPos": {"left": 8, "top": 74}
darkLayout Boolean value to ensure that your module element (mostly a button) is rendered bright since your basic theme color is dark. "darkLayout": true


Module identifier: wgu-geocoder

Property Mandatory Meaning Example
minChars Minimum number of characters which has to be entered so the query is triggered "minChars": 2
queryDelay Delay in MS before a query is triggered "queryDelay": 200
selectZoom Zoom level which is set when a result entry is selected "selectZoom": 16
debug Boolean value to enable debug logs "debug": false
placeHolder Place holder text for the textfield "placeHolder": "Search address"
provider Key defining which geocoder provider should be used. Could be osm, photon or opencage "provider": "osm"
providerOptions Optional options which are passed to the geocoder provider "providerOptions": {"lang": "en-US", "countrycodes": "", "limit": 6}


Module identifier: wgu-helpwin

No additional config options besides the general ones.


Module identifier: wgu-infoclick

No additional config options besides the general ones.


Module identifier: wgu-layerlist

No additional config options besides the general ones.


Module identifier: wgu-measuretool

Property Mandatory Meaning Example
strokeColor Stroke color of the measured geometry (finished sketch). Takes a CSS3 compliant color value. "strokeColor": "#c62828"
fillColor Fill color of the measured geometry (finished sketch). Takes a CSS3 compliant color value. "fillColor": "rgba(198,40,40,0.2)".
sketchStrokeColor Stroke color of the measurement sketch geometry (while measuring). Takes a CSS3 compliant color value. "sketchStrokeColor": "rgba(198,40,40,0.8)".
sketchFillColor Fill color of the measurement sketch geometry (while measuring). Takes a CSS3 compliant color value. "sketchFillColor": "rgba(198,40,40,0.1)".
sketchVertexStrokeColor Stroke color of the vertex of the sketch geometry (while measuring). Takes a CSS3 compliant color value. "sketchVertexStrokeColor": "#c62828".
sketchVertexFillColor Fill color of the vertex of the sketch geometry (while measuring). Takes a CSS3 compliant color value "sketchVertexFillColor": "rgba(198,40,40,0.2)".


Module identifier: wgu-zoomtomaxextent

No additional config options besides the general ones.