A small library to allow a flexible SharedPreferences with less boilerplate and the ability to store and retrieve objects using Gson.
The original goal of this library was to remove the boilerplate of SharedPreferences (3 lines of code every time you want to do one storage/retrieval). Laziness then resulted in adding the following things:
- Flexible storing
- Using the same method to store any value or object, with an optional flag for storing asynchronously using apply() or the standard commit()
- Allowing default values to be optional in retrieving
- Baked in Gson to allow you to store and retrieve objects
To use StockPile:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//needs to be called once before using the library
//storing various types of values
StockPile.store("key1", "value");
StockPile.store("key2", true);
StockPile.store("key3", 10.5f, true); //optionally add the third parameter to flag whether to store asynchronously (faster) or not
boolean success = StockPile.store("key4", 5); //if not storing asynchronously, it returns whether the storage was successful or not, just like SharedPrefs
StockPile.store("key5", 2453L);
String stringVal = StockPile.getString("key1", "");
boolean boolVal = StockPile.getBoolean("key2"); //2nd parameter (default value) can be left out
float floatVal = StockPile.getFloat("key3", 0F);
int intVal = StockPile.getInt("key4", 0);
long longVal = StockPile.getLong("key5", 0L);
List<String> purchases = new ArrayList<>();
CustomerObject customer = new CustomerObject("Example Name", 10, 25, purchases);
StockPile.store("key6", customer);
CustomerObject storedCustomer = (CustomerObject)StockPile.getObject("key6", CustomerObject.class);