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Meta-Load Fly: a Reinforcement Learning Framework for Adaptive Load Tracking with Collision Prediction

Jingyu Chen

The University of Sheffield

Project website | Paper

Overview of the Meta-load-fly

Overview of Meta-Load Fly with load trajectory tracking and path planning; A. Path planning B. Corrective policy


Our code mainly consists of CrazyS, MBRL_transport and openai_ros along with the mav_comm and gemotry_tf2 for python3 compiling. It has been tested in Ubuntu 18.04 Melodic ROS and Ubuntu 20.04 Neotic. The code structure is shown below.

The relationship between different packages

CrazyS: Provide the model of the cable-suspended Firefly-load system and the low-based tracking controller. The joy plugin and wind plugin are modified.
MBRL_transport:This is the main code where we contribute to our meta-load-fly framework consisting of the adaptive load trajectory tracking module and the collision predictor.
Openai_ros: A bridge for connecting Gazebo with Pytorch. We also modify it here for building the task environment for transport. The basic movements of Firefly are defined here.

Install Dependencies

Firstly, create a ROS workspace (the tutorials can be found here). Create an empty package MBRL_transport and a src folder inside it. Copy the content of this repository into the src folder of MBRL_transport package. Then, the config and launch folder in this repository should be moved outside of this src folder to form a complete ROS package. The mav_comm and gemotry_tf2 ROS packages need to be installed.

To install CrazyS and Openai_ros, please download our forked repositories

git clone [email protected]:wawachen/CrazyS.git<br>
git clone [email protected]:wawachen/openai_ros.git

If you are using Ubuntu 18.04 Melodic ROS, the tricky thing is that we will use Python3 in Melodic ROS whose default Python is 2.7. Thus, when we import these packages into the Catkin workspace, we use the following command to indicate for ROS that we are using python3 not python2 for compiling files.

catkin_make -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3

Then, for the openai_ros package, we will use the tf package which was originally designed for python2. Thus we have to download the source file from here and compile it in the Python3 environment using the following command,

catkin_make --cmake-args \
            -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
            -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 \
            -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/python3.6m \

Another bug will take place in the gazebo_plugin from CrazyS
It shows no definition of protobuf as the mismatch between the library protobuf and the protobuf from our virtual environment.
Therefore, the solution is that we can directly uninstall the protobuf of our virtual environment (we use conda here)

conda uninstall libprotobuf

If you are using Ubuntu 20.04 Neotic, as the default Python of Neotic is Python3, the Python 2 problem does not exist. Just install the following packages

pip install gym==0.15.4
pip install gitpython
pip install dotmap==1.2.20
pip install tqdm==4.19.4
pip install tensorflow
pip install tensorboardX

Main code

In the, it has different modes for different functions(the unmentioned modes are abandoned).

if mode == "trajectory": collect the demo trajectory in one task
if mode == "trajectory_replay": collect the trajectories in other tasks by replaying the actions of the demo trajectory
if mode == "MBRL_learning": training for model-based RL and online running
if mode == "meta_learning": training for our proposed method
if mode == "train_offline_MBRL_model": train the model-based RL offline
if mode == "train_offline_meta_model": train the MAML offline
if mode == "embedding_NN": training for the fast adaptation through meta-learning embeddings (FAMLE)
if mode == "point_cloud_collection_additional": collect the point cloud data for collision predictor

To start the program,

roslaunch MBRL_transport start_training.launch

Data collection

We do not provide the data we collected before. To get the data, please run the following steps. The joy node can be found in CrazyS/rotors_joy_interface/joy_firefly.cpp. The operation rule of the wired Xbox 360 controller is shown below. The action for x,y, and z is the position deviation between [-0.03m, 0.03m] of the virtual leader. Press button B to close the ROS node to terminate the process.

The rule of the wired Xbox 360 controller

Dynamics model

To collect the data for the dynamics model, we first change the mode into trajectory.

 wind_condition_x = 0.0
 L = 0.6

change the wind_condition_x and the neighbour distance L to the above configuration to get the demo trajectory. Then, we change the mode to trajectory_replay. Change the wind_condition_x and the neighbour distance L to get different datasets (the configurations of the training and testing tasks are shown in the paper). The collection will automatically terminate when 2500 data points are collected. The saving files will be named firefly_data_3d_wind_x{1}_2agents_L{2}_dt_0.15.mat where the {1} and {2} are the corresponding conditions. For the tracking of the task with obstacles, the saving files are named firefly_data_3d_wind_x{1}_2agents_L{2}_dt_0.15_obstacle.mat. Different from the task without obstacles, we train the meta only in the testing tasks.

Collision predictor

To collect the data for the collision predictor, we change the mode to point_cloud_collection_additional.

  1. Change the world file into 3d_visual_env1 in mav_with_waypoint_publisher.launch
  2. Change xy into 0 in the MBRL_transport_params.yaml
  3. Uncomment subscribers about cameras in
  4. Change the different conditions in, and also change the conditions in the callback function of _point_callback_top in (for the naming of the point cloud data)
  5. We will get data in the point_clouds_and_configurations_additional folder, we delete the first 0-209 files for each task as they are bad data before stabilisation.
  6. Run to get the pre-processed data inside each task of the point_clouds_and_configurations_additional folder

Meta training of dynamics model

In the, we change the mode to train_offline_meta_model. This will give us the offline meta-model. The load_model_m in the MBRL_transport_params.yaml should be set to 0. The trained model is saved in the model_3d folder.

Training the corrective policy

Then, we change the mode to meta_learning. Uncomment the commands in`, we will train the corrective policy

exp.run_experiment_meta_without_online(log_path)   # For meta-learning and adaptation without action correction
exp.run_experiment_meta_online1_1(log_path)        # For meta-learning and adaptation with action correction
exp.run_experiment_meta_online1_evaluation(log_path) # Evaluate the model of meta+PPO

load_model_m in the MBRL_transport_params.yaml should be set to 1. We must change MPC(params,env,params_meta) with no obs parameter. The trained model is saved in the PPO_model folder.
For the scenarios with obstacles, in the, we need to change MPC(params,env,params_meta,obs=2) where obs = 1, 2 and 3 correspond to the testing tasks 1,2 and 3. The obs will change the cost function of MPC as both the payload and the UAVs are tracked.

Baselines of the dynamics model

For probabilistic ensembles with trajectory sampling (PETS), change the mode to MBRL_learning. In the following line of

training = 0

For training, training is set to 1. load_model_PETS in the MBRL_transport_params.yaml is set to 0.
For evaluation, training is set to 0. load_model_PETS in the MBRL_transport_params.yaml is set to 1. The model is saved in PETS_3d_model folder

For fast adaptation through meta-learning embedding (FAMLE), change the mode to embedding_NN. In the following line of

training = 0

For training, training is set to 1. For evaluation, training is set to 0. The saved is saved in FAMLE_model

For proximal policy optimisation (PPO),
To do

Training of the collision predictor

Assume we have got the data in point_clouds_and_configurations_additional folder like this structure

  1. Run python3 to generate obs.mat containing normalised obs_points, pos, size. This mat will be used for collision detection.
  2. Run python3 Notice that we use Pytorch lightning to train the predictor (the Chinese tutorial for Pytorch lightning is here). We need to deal with (defining the siren model and cost function) and (defining how to get all data points from four tasks and feed them into the batch during the training)
  3. In, we change is_predict to 1 for testing tasks and is_predict to 0 for training tasks. The model will be saved in /MBRL_transport/logs_Occupancy_predictor_2d_movementall1_{1}/lightning_logs/version_0/checkpoints where {1} is the random seed you set. We also provide a code to visualise the results of the model we get by running The matplotlib will be used to plot the predicted sdf and the ground truth sdf.

Running RRT with the collision predictor

This collision predictor is utilised to bias the tree-growth process of rapidly-exploring random tree (RRT) algorithm towards the goal points with a collision-free constraint.

In this paper, we consider two scenarios, the cross path and the square path.

Firstly, we get the original full paths for different scenarios and tasks by changing route_name and task_num in The original paths are named save_waypoints_collision_cross_0.mat or save_waypoints_collision_square_0.mat.
Then, we change the configuration in to generate collision-free paths.

task_num = 2
rn = "square_c" #square_c,cross

The path will be saved in save_corrective_waypoints_collision_cross_0.mat after the visualisation process. To validate the collision-free paths, change the route in MBRL_transport_params.yaml for square_xy and cross.


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