I'm a Computer Engineer and Msc. in Computer Science. I have experience in Internet of Things and Embedded Systems. Currently, I work at INDT as Embedded Software Developer.
- Internet of Things
- Edge IA
- TinyML
- [INDT] - Measurement of Communication Performance Between 5G Devices in a 5G SA Network (2024)
- Álef Souto, Lahis Almeida et al. Trilha de Inovação e Interação com a Indústria - SBRC, Niteroi-RJ, Brasil.
- [UNICAMP] - On the Simulation of LoRaWAN Networks: A Focus on Reproducible Parameter Configuration(2024)
- Marianna G. Campos, L. Almeida et al. Computer Networks and Communications, 2(1), 148–171.
- [INDT] - IoT platform to monitor industrial machines and perform PdM ate the EGDE: A case study (2023)
- Lahis Almeida et al. BTSYM'2023 - Brasilian Technology Symposium, Campinas, Brasil.
- [UNICAMP] - LoRaWAN Infrastructure for Urban Waste Management: a simulation study (2023)
- L. Almeida, Marianna G. Campos and J. F. Borin. In proccedings of 9th World Forum on Internet of Things (WFIoT), Aveiro, Portugal. IEEE, 2023.
Please, let me know if you want to start a colaboration project with me!