DeFi APE bot for PancakeSwap, UniSwapV2, CheapSwap,Quickswap, SpookySwap, DevEthSwap.
This tool made for education purposes, use it for your own risk.
- The DeFi market is ruled by bots, and bots ruled by developers. Our goal is to provide a generic easy to use bot for everyone, without overpriced "PRO" version, mallware, tracking or GPU mining.
The project is forever free and open-source, feel free to evolve our codebase!
To buy us a coffee ☕ => 0x0C52A285712B8A9Fb6b31B128C09aBd868c58987 (Accepted ETH,BNB,FTM,cTH,dTH)
- Required Node v14+
- npm install
- npm run win OR npm run mac
- Open the Settings
- Add an empty address PrivateKey (You can create & export privateKey from Metamask)
- Send some fund into the fresh address
- Start a new APE OR set up the intergrated plugins to manage your trades.