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Provides a simple mechanism for slide authors to preview their slides on a browser as they work on them.


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Asciidoctor Slides Preview

This tool can be used to quickly preview slides created with Asciidoctor and Reveal.js.

Asciidoctor Slides Infrastructure

The following projects are part of the Asciidoctor Slides infrastructure:

  • Generator encapsulating a Node.js application driving the creation of the slides.html HTML file

  • Cookiecutter offering a simple mechanism to generate new presentation slide projects

  • Preview allowing the live preview of slides on localhost:2020 (this project)

  • Speaker Notes Exporter to export speaker notes

How to use

Run the following command on top of any project containing Asciidoctor + Reveal.js slides:

docker run --user "$(id -u)" --rm --publish 35729:35729 --publish 2020:2020 --volume "${PWD}":/build vshn/slides-preview:$VERSION

Open the URL http://localhost:2020 to see the slides.


This image is capable of "live reloading" the slides as the user writes the Asciidoc source. To do that, you need a browser with one of these extensions:

Open the documentation in your browser and click on the LiveReload extension button on the toolbar; when it becomes green, the browser will automatically refresh whenever you save the Asciidoc file.


Provides a simple mechanism for slide authors to preview their slides on a browser as they work on them.





