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Velero Community Meeting and Open Discussion Notes 2021

Orlix edited this page May 3, 2022 · 2 revisions

Dec 14, 2021


  • Dave Smith-Uchida (VMware)
  • Bridget McErlean (VMware)
  • Scott Seago (Red Hat)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • Dave
    • PRs for itemsnapshots.gz file in backup (will contain info on snapshots created by ItemSnapshotters), UploadProgress feature flag
    • This week, merging
  • Bridget
    • Working on Data Mover design doc (and Astrolabe CRD design)

Discussion Topics

Dec 8, 2021


  • Jiaolin Yang(VMware)
  • Dave Smith-Uchida (VMware)
  • Daniel Jiang (VMware)
  • Wenkai Yin(VMware)
  • Eleanor Millman (VMware)
  • Xun Jiang (VMware)
  • Danfeng Liu (VMware)
  • Frankie Gold (VMware)
  • Ming Qiu (VMware)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • Dave

    • PRs for refactoring action resolvers (4410), itemsnapshots.json.gz backup file (4429) and UploadProgressFeature (4416)
  • Daniel Jiang

    • Fixed issue(3516)
    • Bump up golang and depedencies for velero and AWS plugin
    • PR review
  • Wenkai Yin

    • Upgrading golang and libraries used by Azure plugin
    • Submit PRs(4391, 4398) to fix issues, but need to confirm with Nolan when he comes back from PTO
  • Xun Jiang

    • Restic support for Velero Carvel package(2663)
    • Migrate Backup Sync Controller from code-generator to kubebuilder (4423)
    • Migrate Pod Volume Restore Controller from code-generator to kubebuilder (4134)
    • Bump up golang and depedencies for velero and GCP plugin
  • Ming Qiu

    • Adjust e2e test structure(4386)
    • Add E2E test on resource filtering(4404)
  • Danfeng Liu

    • Add Azure pipeline in nightly(WIP)

Discussion Topics

Dec 1, 2021


Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

Discussion Topics

  • Heads up: As we move to use kubebuilder v3 for the CRDs velero v1.8 will only work on k8s v1.16+

Nov 24, 2021


  • Wenkai Yin(VMware)
  • Daniel Jiang(VMware)
  • Dave Smith-Uchida (VMware)
  • Eleanor Millman (VMware)
  • Jiaolin Yang (Vmware)
  • Xun Jiang(VMware)
  • Danfeng Liu(VMware)
  • Ming Qiu(VMware)
  • Steven Ren(VMware)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • Wenkai Yin
    • Released v1.7.1-rc.1
    • CSI support for azure plugin - Done
    • The restored PVs cannot be deleted(#3470) - PR submiited
    • Will to fix the issue #4009: the backup cannot be deleted after the application uninstalled
  • Daniel Jiang
    • CSI support for aws/gcp plugin - Done
    • Fixed minor issues
    • Working on issue#3516
  • Dave
    • Working on upload progress monitoring PRs
    • Per-namespaec multi-tenancy draft

Discussion Topics

Nov 16, 2021


  • Dave Smith-Uchida (VMware)
  • Jonas Rosland (VMware)
  • Frankie Gold (VMware)
  • Scott Seago (Red Hat)
  • Shubham Pampattiwar (Red Hat)
  • Dylan Murray (Red Hat)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • Dave
    • ItemSnapshotter PR merge
    • Astrolabe code merges
  • Bridget
    • Support (last week)
    • Astrolabe CRD prototype

Discussion Topics

  • OADP and Velero/K8s DP APIs (Dave)

Contributor Shoutouts

Nov 9, 2021


  • Jonas Rosland (VMware)
  • Daniel Jiang (VMware)
  • Dave Smith-Uchida (VMware)
  • Phuong Hoang (Dell-EMC)
  • Bridget McErlean (VMware)
  • Wenkai Yin (VMware)
  • Jiaolin Yang (VMware)
  • Frankie Gold (VMware)
  • Danfeng Liu (VMware)
  • Ming Qiu (VMware)
  • Bruce Jiang (VMware)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • Daniel
    • CSI support for AWS driver (wanna discuss the issue regarding the way velero collects AZ)
    • Investigating the pre/post hook issue 4268
  • Dave
    • Addressing PR comments
    • CAPI backup/restore investigation
    • Astrolabe demo
  • Bridget
    • Had a sync with Phuong on plugin versioning
    • Working on Astrolabe CRD design
    • Submitted a PR to fix empty credential field in BSLs 4196
  • Wenkai Yin
    • CSI support for Azure plugin
    • Investigate the issue when backup/restore nodeport service 2308
  • Bruce Jiang
    • Migrating kubebuilder generated CRD API and controller code from kubebuilder V2 to V3

Discussion Topics

Contributor Shoutouts

Nov 2, 2021


  • Jonas Rosland (VMware)
  • Dave Smith-Uchida (VMware)
  • Bridget McErlean (VMware)
  • Jesse Glick (CloudBees)
  • Phuong N. Hoang (Dell-EMC)
  • Scott Seago (Red Hat)
  • Frankie Gold (VMware)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • Abigail McCarthy is back from parental leave!
  • Beijing-time zone community meeting will follow the time there, not daylight savings time in the US
  • Dave
    • Community support last week
    • Upload Progress testing
  • Bridget
    • Working on Astrolabe CRD design with Dave
    • Had a sync meeting with Phuong to discuss next steps in plugin versioning
    • PR reviews

Discussion Topics

  • Phuong: items to add to plugin interface version 2
  • jglick: status of cross-region/zone

Contributor Shoutouts

Oct 26, 2021


  • Dave Smith-Uchida (VMware)
  • Eleanor Millman (VMware)
  • Wenkai Yin(VMware)
  • Bridget McErlean (VMware)
  • Frankie Gold (VMware)
  • Scott Seago (Red Hat)
  • Daniel Jiang (reasonerjt)
  • Phuong N. Hoang (Dell-EMC)
  • Ming Qiu (VMware)
  • Bruce Jiang (VMware)
  • Jiaolin Yang (VMware)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • Dave
    • ItemSnapshotter review
    • UploadProgress continuing
    • Support
  • Wenkai Yin
    • Fix CVEs
    • Fix scheduled backup bug
    • Work on Azure plugin to suppport CSI volumes
  • Daniel Jiang
    • Support
    • AWS plugin to support CSI volumes snapshot
    • Bump up to go1.17

Discussion Topics

Oct 19, 2021


  • Jonas Rosland (VMware)
  • Scott Seago (Red Hat)
  • Dave Smith-Uchida (VMware)
  • Frankie Gold (VMware)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • Dave
    • Kubecon

Discussion Topics

  • ItemSnapshotter API PR (#4077) - no comments received, moving forward
  • Kubebuilder controller namespace mixup, PR #4251
  • BSL controller status update, Issue #2488

Oct 5, 2021


  • Jonas Rosland (VMware)
  • Dave Smith-Uchida (VMware)
  • Scott Seago (Red Hat)
  • Bridget McErlean (VMware)
  • Rafael Brito (VMware)
  • Frankie Gold (VMware)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • Velero 1.7.0 has been released!
  • Dave
    • Community support
    • Upload Progress monitoring/ItemSnapshotter - working on restore paths
    • @ Kubecon next week
  • Bridget
    • Starting 1.8 work
      • Plugin versioning
      • Data Movement
    • Upcoming PTO

Discussion Topics

  • Jonas
    • KubeCon EU CFP starts Oct 25 - brainstorming time!
      • Dave - Velero + Sonobuoy, verifying conformance before and after restore
      • Dave - Astrolabe
  • brito-rafa: other quick update on Pre/Post Backup/Restore plugins design (without the need screenshare this time :) - added more color how the plugins will be loaded/executed). MR 4083

Contributor Shoutouts

Sep 28, 2021


  • Dave Smith-Uchida (VMware)
  • Daniel Jiang (VMware)
  • Bridget McErlean (VMware)
  • Wenkai Yin(VMware)
  • Scott Seago (Red Hat)
  • Rafael Brito (VMware)
  • Eleanor Millman (VMware)
  • Frankie Gold (VMware)
  • Jiaolin Yang (VMware)
  • Phuong N. Hoang (Dell-EMC)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • Dave
    • ItemSnapshotter PR ready for review/merge
    • Velero + Sonobuoy cluster validation
  • Daniel
    • Velero v1.7.0 rc2 is ready
    • Velero v1.7.0 and new version of AWS/GCP/Azure/CSI plugins will be GAed around 30th Sep
  • Wenkai Yin
    • Velero v1.7.0 release
    • Start to do investigation for 1.8 items
  • Bridget
    • Internal releases
    • Picking up plugin versioning again and other 1.8 items

Discussion Topics

  • brito-rafa: another round of conversation on Pre/Post Backup/Restore plugins (added graphic (text) displaying plugins execution and proposing additional status fields). MR 4083
  • Eleanor - a note about the 1.8 roadmap
  • Eleanor Kubernetes data protection strategy

Sep 21,2021


  • Jonas Rosland (VMware)
  • Scott Seago (Red Hat)
  • Dave Smith-Uchida
  • Bridget McErlan (VMware)
  • Frankie Gold (VMware)
  • Phuong N. Hoang (Dell-EMC)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • Dave
    • 1.7.0 release stuff
  • Bridget
    • Still preparing for 1.7.0 release (testing, internal build process)

Discussion Topics

Contributor shoutouts!

Sep 14,2021


  • Jonas Rosland (VMware)
  • Frankie Gold (VMware)
  • Dave Smith-Uchida (VMware)
  • Bridget McErlean (VMware)
  • Scott Seago (Red Hat)
  • Phuong Hoang (Dell-EMC)
  • Eleanor Millman (VMware)
  • Wenkai Yin(VMware)
  • Rafael Brito (VMware)
  • Jiaolin Yang (VMware)
  • Danfeng Liu (VMware)
  • Daniel Jiang (VMware)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • Velero 1.7.0 RC 1 now available
  • Dave - working on ItemSnapshotter, Upload Progress and 1.8 roadmap
  • Bridget: 1.7 RC testing
  • Wenkai Yin: 1.7 RC testing
  • Daniel Jiang: 1.7 RC testing

Discussion Topics

  • Dave - ItemSnapshotter plugin. Will merge post-1.7
  • Jonas- Adopters and linked resources
  • Rafael (@brito-rafa) - Pre/Post-Backup/Restore plugin hooks design document: #4083
  • Eleanor - 1.8 possible items

Contributor shoutouts!

Sep 7, 2021


  • Bridget McErlean (VMware)
  • Dave Smith-Uchida (VMware)
  • Jonas Rosland (VMware)
  • Scott Seago (Red Hat)
  • Eleanor Millman (VMware)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • Bridget:
    • Working towards 1.7 release
    • Fixed #4053 - Skipping backup/restore of Downward API volumes with restic
    • Now investigating #4080 (CRD backup/restore). May be a 1.7 release blocker
  • Dave
    • RC1 for 1.7
    • ItemSnapshotter plugin implementation finish-up
    • Community support

Discussion Topics

  • @brito-rafa Design of four new plugin hooks, pre/post backup/restore MR WIP #4083. Please note these plugins are fundamentally different from existent plugins, which are currently executed per resource item. These plugins are to be executed once per backup and restore (before and after).
  • Phuong Hoang: adding annotation to Velero pod to direct network traffic
  • Bridget: Investigating #4080 where Velero is failing to back up CRDs that have gone through v1beta1->v1 upgrade, and cluster upgrade to 1.22. According the API server, they aren't valid (fail NonStructuralSchema). Is this expected for all v1beta1->v1 upgrades? Any opinions or guidance on Velero behaviour here?
  • Dave: Discuss risks and alternative approaches

Contributor shoutouts!

Aug 24, 2021


  • Daniel Jiang (VMware)
  • Wenkai Yin (VMware)
  • Scott Seago (Red Hat)
  • Jonas Rosland (VMware)
  • Bridget McErlean (VMware)
  • Eleanor Millman (VMware)
  • Frankie Gold (VMware)
  • Jiaolin Yang (VMware)
  • Rafael Brito (VMware)
  • Phương Hoàng ̣(Dell-EMC)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • Daniel:
    • PR #4022 resolved all comments and pending for another approval from Dave
  • Wenkai Yin
    • E2E pipeline framework is done, working to improve the stability
    • Moving the base image to distroless
  • Bridget

Discussion topics

  • @brito-rafa Four new hooks proposed #4067: PreBackup, PostBackup, PreRestore and PostRestore. Design proposal in WIP.
  • @reasonerjt (Daniel): How do we avoid triggering the operator code when the CR is restored? - #4045 suggested we may allow user to customize the order for restoring the resources but there still may be other issues if user is using operator? Notes:
    • When doing a cluster B/R. We can allow users to customize the ordering, so the controllers are restored last.
    • When the controllers are running on the target cluster, we may leverage some hook mechanism to disable the operator before the restore starts
    • Some operators may try to handle the new resources when they start. We may the existing annotation, make sure the resources are annotated when they are restored by velero and make it public, and let the operators decide what to do.

Contributor shoutouts!

Aug 17, 2021


  • Jonas Rosland (VMware)
  • Bridget McErlean (VMware)
  • Dave Smith-Uchida (VMware)
  • Scott Seago (Red Hat)
  • Phuong Hoang (Dell-EMC)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • Bridget:
    • Velero v1.6.3 has been released.
      • This release introduces compatibility with Kubernetes 1.22.
    • Catching up on PR reviews
    • Will make feature branch for plugin versioning work
  • Dave
    • Upload progress monitoring

Discussion topics

  • State of upload progress monitoring demo (Dave)

Contributor shoutouts!

Aug 10, 2021


  • Dave Smith-Uchida (VMware)
  • Wenkai Yin(VMware)
  • Bridget McErlean (VMware)
  • Daniel Jiang(VMware)
  • Jiaolin Yang(VMware)
  • Shawn Hurley(RedHat)
  • Eleanor Millman (VMware)
  • Frankie Gold (VMware)
  • Phuong N. Hoang (Dell-EMC)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • Dave: Working on upload progress monitoring
  • Bridget:
    • Still working towards v1.6.3
      • Stop using v1beta1 APIs for CRD readiness check #4015
      • Skip APIService restores for Kubernetes managed services#4028
  • Wenkai:
    • Still working on the regular e2e test on AWS
  • Daniel:

Discussion topics

  • Dave: Should we fold plugin timeouts into new ItemSnapshotter only?

July 27, 2021


  • Dave Smith-Uchida (VMware)
  • Daniel Jiang (VMware)
  • Bridget McErlean (VMware)
  • Scott Seago (sseago)
  • Eleanor Millman (VMware)
  • Frankie Gold (VMware)
  • Jenting Hsiao (SUSE)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • Dave:

    • Working on 1.6.3 uninstall for CRDs
    • Working on ItemSnapshotter for upload progress monitoring
    • Community support this week
  • Daniel

  • Bridget

    • Released v1.2.1 of the AWS, Azure and GCP plugins (includes same security fixes as Velero 1.6.2)
    • Worked with Phuong on the plugin versioning
    • Will be working towards the v1.6.3 release this week
  • WenkaiYin:

    • Only run the Basic e2e test cases for pull request #3989
    • Still working on the automation work of regular end-to-end test
      • Cases pass on vSphere with several patches, will submit pull requests
      • Start to investigate running test on AWS

Discussion topics


July 20, 2021


  • Bridget McErlean (VMware)
  • Scott Seago (Red Hat)
  • Jonas Rosland (VMware)
  • Frankie Gold (VMware)
  • Dylan Murray (Red Hat)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • Bridget:
    • Released v1.6.2 which includes security fixes
    • Need to update plugins to reference new version
    • Will be working with Phuong on plugin versioning
    • Need to review #3614 (CRD upgrade to v1)
  • Daniel:
    • PR for velero debug design doc, please review: #3793
  • Jonas:
    • New maintainers!!

Discussion topics


July 13, 2021


  • Daniel Jiang (VMware)
  • Jonas Rosland (VMware)
  • Scott Seago (Red Hat)
  • Bridget McErlean (VMware)
  • Wenkai Yin(VMware)
  • Dave Smith-Uchida (VMware)
  • Jiaolin Yang (VMware)
  • Phuong Hoang (Dell-EMC)
  • Eleanor Millman (VMware)
  • Frankie Gold (VMware)
  • Danfeng Liu (VMware)
  • Jenting Hsiao (SUSE)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • Daniel:

    • First round review of the design of "velero debug", prototyping.
  • Bridget:

    • Catching up on community support
    • Preparing 1.6.2 release
      • Will include security fixes
  • Wenkai Yin:

    • In progress: enhancement for the E2E test
  • Dave:

    • Working on upload progress
    • Release planning

Discussion topics


July 6, 2021


  • Dave Smith-Uchida (VMware)
  • Dylan Murray (Red Hat)
  • Scott Seago (Red Hat)
  • Bridget McErlean (VMware)
  • Eleanor Millman (VMware)
  • Phuong Hoang (Dell-EMC)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • Bridget:
    • Catching up after PTO
    • Will be focusing on community support catch up this week
    • Will push changes for the plugin design doc
  • dave
    • 1.7 Roadmap
    • Working on upload progress monitoring
    • Training for Beijing team
    • POC work

Discussion topics

  • Eleanor
    • Revised 1.7 roadmap
    • 30 day keep default time
  • Phuong:
    • Plugin versioning implementation
    • Restore Pod failed because PriorityClass is not included in Backup even when --include-cluster-resource is set.
  • Dylan


June 29, 2021


  • Dave Smith-Uchida (VMware)
  • Dylan Murray (Red Hat)
  • Jonas Rosland (VMware)
  • Divya Rani (VMware)
  • Shubham Pampattiwar (Red Hat)
  • Scott Seago (Red Hat)
  • Rafael Brito (VMware)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • dave
    • Working on upload progress monitoring
    • Training for Beijing team
    • POC work
    • Reviews (this week)

Discussion topics

  • Dylan
    • Velero E2E testing requirements
    • Ability to run E2E tests against an already installed Velero
      • Use --install-velero=false on the Ginkgo command line. We could add this to the Makefile and an environment variable there
      • Preserving ability to use installed Velero is very important for RedHat E2E use cases


June 22, 2021


  • Jonas Rosland (VMware)
  • Bridget McErlean (VMware)
  • Phuong Hoang (Dell-EMC)
  • Dave Smith-Uchida (VMware)
  • Eleanor Millman (VMware)
  • Dylan Murray (Red Hat)
  • Frankie Gold (VMware)
  • Abigail McCarthy (VMware)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • [jonas] Community meeting schedule update
  • bridget:
    • Preparing 1.6.1 release. Branch is ready, now running tests prior to creating the tag.
  • dave
    • Working on upload progress monitoring
    • Training for Beijing team

Discussion topics

  • Phuong: Restore application with operator: operator based on CR to deploy application pods. When the operator pod and CR being restored, it may intefere with the restore workflow of Velero.
  • bridget: Upgrading Velero CRDs to use V1 APIs
    • Kubernetes 1.22 is fast approaching (probably prior to Velero 1.7)

Contributor Shoutouts

June 15, 2021


  • Bridget McErlean (VMware)
  • Jonas Rosland (VMware)
  • Scott Seago (Red Hat)
  • Dylan Murray (Red Hat)
  • Frankie Gold (VMware)
  • Eleanor Millman (VMware)
  • Phuong Hoang (Dell-EMC)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • bridget:
    • Preparing for Velero 1.6.1
      • Will include a fix for backing up on Kubernetes 1.21 (Thanks, Alay Patel for helping to diagnose and fix!)
      • Also need to fix #3870
    • Onboarding new team members
    • Plugin versioning design doc (PR 3855)
  • jonas:
    • Community meeting time for Asia-Pacific time zones (poll here)

Discussion topics

  • Dave:
    • Use of instead of DockerHub for image distribution + code signing
    • Definition of a "toolkit" library for Velero?

Contributor Shoutouts

June 8, 2021


  • Jonas Rosland (VMware)
  • Nolan Brubaker (VMware)
  • Dave Smith-Uchida (VMware)
  • Phuong Hoang (Dell-EMC)
  • Scott Seago (Red Hat)
  • Bridget McErlean (VMware)
  • Carlisia Thompson (VMware)
  • Eleanor Millman (VMware)
  • Frankie Gold (VMware)
  • Daniel Jiang (VMware)
  • Wenkai Yin (VMware)
  • Steven Ren (VMware)
  • Jiaolin Yang (VMware)
  • Rafael Brito (VMware)
  • Dylan Murray (Red Hat)
  • Abigail McCarthy (VMware)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • [jonas] Maintainer Team update
  • dave - Reviews
  • bridget
    • Reviews
    • Design doc for plugin versioning

Discussion topics

Contributor Shoutouts

June 1, 2021


  • Jonas Rosland (VMware)
  • Carlisia Thompson (VMware)
  • Dave Smith-Uchida (VMware)
  • Bridget McErlean (VMware)
  • Phuong N. Hoang (Dell-EMC)
  • Frankie Gold (VMware)
  • Eleanor Millman (VMware)
  • Scott Seago (Red Hat)
  • Abigail McCarthy (VMware)
  • Daniel Jiang (VMware)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

Discussion topics

  • Phuong: OpenShift pluins being executed "too frequently" which raise concerns on the total backup time in general.

Contributor Shoutouts

None this week

May 25, 2021


  • Carlisia Thompson (VMware)
  • Nolan Brubaker (VMware)
  • Bridget McErlean (VMware)
  • Alay Patel (Red Hat)
  • Scott Seago (Red Hat)
  • Frankie Gold (VMware)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

Discussion topics

  • carlisia
    • I have a (great!) announcement
      • Bridget got promoted to Senior Member of Technical Staff 🎉

Contributor Shoutouts

May 18, 2021


  • Phuong Hoang (Dell-EMC)
  • Bridget McErlean (VMware)
  • Carlisia Thompson (VMware)
  • Frankie Gold (VMware)
  • Eleanor Millman (VMware, PM)
  • Scott Seago (Red Hat)
  • Chris Little (VMware)

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

Discussion Topics

Contributor Shoutouts

May 11, 2021


  • Bridget McErlean, VMware
  • Scott Seago, Red Hat
  • Dave Smith-Uchida, VMware
  • Eleanor Millman, VMware (PM)
  • Nolan Brubaker, VMware
  • Pradeep Jigalur, VMware
  • Frankie Gold, VMware
  • Phuong Hoang, Dell-EMC
  • Naeil Ezzoueidi, AWS
  • Alay Patel, Red Hat
  • Chris Little, VMware

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • nrb

  • bridget:

    • Catching up after PTO
    • Delayed getting the plugin versioning design doc out
  • dave

    • Working through issue backlog with Eleanor and Nolan
    • Added multiple NS backup/restore e2e test (PR)
    • Astrolabe demo work
    • PTO May 17-May 28
  • eleanor

    • Split up the #velero channel on the Kubernetes slack. #velero-users is for users to help each other, #velero-dev is for Velero development-related discussions. As always, go to Github Community Q+A for help from maintainers (see pinned post in either channel)
    • More details on the backlog grooming that Dave mentioned
    • Currently triaging issues into three catagories:
      • "current" - might be addressed in 1.7 or 1.8 (roughly, 2021)
      • "icebox" - might be addressed in 2.0 or later (roughly, 2022), will have label 'icebox'
      • closed
    • Started with 411 issues a week ago, triaged 134 issues (31 stayed as current, 42 iceboxed, 61 closed). 277 issues left to triage!

Discussion Topics

Contributor Shoutouts

April 27, 2021


  • Jonas Rosland, VMware
  • Nolan Brubaker, VMware
  • Dave Smith-Uchida, VMware
  • Bridget McErlean, VMware
  • Carlisia Thompson, VMware
  • Eleanor Millman, VMware (PM)
  • Phuong Hoang, Dell-EMC
  • Scott Seago, Red Hat
  • JenTing Hsiao, SUSE

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

Discussion Topics

  • eleanor
    • What should we do with general discussion questions on the Velero slack channel? Also, how is it going with moving the support questions to Github?
    • Any recommendations on how we can track OSS community health? Contributers, PRs come to mind but wanted to know if anyone else had already been tracking community health (may be a question best for Jonas :) )

Contributor Shoutouts

Contributor Shoutouts Velero Q&A

taisyo7333 (Daisuke Inoue) VolkerKozlowski

We do have unanswered questions.

April 20, 2021


  • Carlisia Thompson - VMware
  • Eleanor Millman, VMware (PM)
  • Jonas Rosland, VMware
  • Bridget McErlean, VMware
  • Scott Seago, Red Hat
  • Dave Smith-Uchida, VMware

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

Add logo assets by carlisia · Pull Request #3700 · vmware-tanzu/velero My PR merged 🆗
Add Abbie to PR review requests by carlisia · Pull Request #3666 · vmware-tanzu/velero My PR merged 🆗
Improve plugin release instructions by carlisia · Pull Request #3591 · vmware-tanzu/velero PR open for review 📬
GH Action for adding issues to the milestone board is broken · Issue #3706 · vmware-tanzu/velero Bug 🐞
  • bridget
    • Started design work for plugin versioning
  • nrb
    • Returning from break
    • Picking up some design work from before (will bring it up in the discussion topics)
  • dave
    • Product/roadmap definition
  • ashish
    • CSI work scoping for 1.7

Discussion Topics

  • Rahul Rathi

  • nrb

    • Velero object manifest proposal
      • Shawn Hurley raises the issue that owner references may expect to be restored by the controller, not Velero. This is a challenge, for things like StatefulSets which must have their objects recreated bottom-up, while ClusterAPI needs to be created top down.
  • Ayush Agrawal

    • Same location restore of a namespace with few PVs is going in indefinite loop. Issue observed on vSphere plugin version 1.1.0. It was working fine with version 1.0.2
  • Eleanor

    • Roll call for future community meetings so we know who is on the call and what their affiliation is (if any)

Contributor Shoutouts

April 13, 2021

  • carlisia
    • PTO most of last week
Description Status
AWS tests for the RC2 · Issue #3623 · vmware-tanzu/velero

Discussion Topics

  • Tunde had a question regarding restores to cloud providers, giving this error:

Contributor Shoutouts PRs

  • None today.

Contributor Shoutouts Velero Q&A

None this week. We do have unanswered questions.

April 6, 2021

  • carlisia Theme for this week: more testing for the RC2 release.
Description Status
test install script Wrote a tiny script for running multiple consecutive tests to install/uninstall Velero (wrt my AWS install/e2e failure)
Revert printer columns by carlisia · Pull Request #3652 · vmware-tanzu/velero My PR merged 🆗
Update docs for v1.6.0 RC2 by carlisia · Pull Request #3660 · vmware-tanzu/velero My PR merged 🆗
Velero v1.6.0-RC2 is out, please test! · Discussion #3663 · vmware-tanzu/velero Pre-release
  • bridget
    • Released v1.5.4
      • Includes bug fixes and build script changes
  • ashish
    • Mostly release testing last week and
    • Tracking down to revert printer column change. Issue 3656 This still needs investigation as to why
  • dave
    • Testing
    • Velero vision and strategy planning

Discussion Topics

  • What was the outcome/progress from last week’s discussion topics?

    • Last week...
  • Eleanor

    • Have we considered directing help requests to Stack Overflow, rather than answering on the Velero slack? The Spring team does this and has found it helpful. Maybe this would inspire more Velero community members to help out those asking questions.

Contributor Shoutouts PRs

  • None today.

Contributor Shoutouts Velero Q&A

None this week. We do have unanswered questions.

March 30, 2021

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • carlisia
    • Theme: more unblocking of items for the v1.6 release.
    • On community support
Description Status
#3618 [velero] Make uninstall more robust and informative (release blocker) My PR merged 🆗
#3600 [velero] [bug maybe] (Intermittently) Cannot install or run e2e tests on AWS due to deletebackuprequests failing to create and causing a server time out Bug 🐞
#3629 [velero] Runs vSphere tests with snapshots Reviewed PR ✅
#3634 [velero] Allow Dockerfiles to be configurable Reviewed PR ✅
  • dave

    • E2E tests with volume snapshots running/passing on vSphere, AWS & Azure
    • Release management
  • bridget

  • nrb

    • Catching up after illness
    • Konveyor BOF: Thursday, May 6: 15:00 - 15:45 CEST
  • ashish

    • Running tests on the v1.6 RC
  • eleanor

    • Quick product update

Discussion Topics

  • What was the outcome/progress from last week’s discussion topics?
    • Last week...
  • Frankie & Rafael: Would it be feasible for us to to import backup and restore packages as libraries and use these remotely from a cluster to backup and restore on other clusters? One reason to do this is to increase efficiency as Velero would only need to be installed on a service cluster and not every cluster. Another is security, where customers do not want to install Velero, which have pods with priviledged access, onto their production clusters.
  • carlisia

Contributor Shoutouts PRs

  • None today.

Contributor Shoutouts Velero Q&A

None this week. We do have unanswered questions.

March 23, 2021

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • ashish

    • Working with Eleanor, our new PM to familiarize with 1.7 Roadmap.
  • bridget

    • Created a document to describe test cases for releases (PR 3601)
  • carlisia

    Description Status
    Tests for v1.6 release (release-blocker)
    #3605 [velero] Fix uninstall + remove left over resources after test failure (release-blocker) PR open for review 📬


    • have built the v1.2.0 images for plugins but still need to create releases (pending tests)
    • review Bridget's PR
  • dave

    • Working thru getting 1.6 volume snapshots tests working on vSphere

March 16, 2021

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • carlisia
    • Theme: unblocking items for the v1.6 release.
Description Status
#3489 [velero] Use Credential from BSL for restic commands (release-blocker) reviewed PR ✅
#3559 [velero] Add E2E test for multiple credentials (release-blocker) reviewed PR ✅
#3527 [velero] Prefer conditional waiting over magic sleep (release-blocker) reviewed PR ✅
#3583 [velero] Restore progress reporting bug fix (release-blocker) reviewed PR ✅
#3568 [velero] Update upgrade docs (release-blocker) PR merged 🆗
#3584 [velero] Improve GH Action PR assign + labeling PR open for review 📬
#3591 [velero] Improve plugin release instructions PR open for review 📬
AWS / GCP / Azure [plugins] Update changelogs PRs merged 🆗
Issue 3493 Initial scoping out of work for packaging with Carvel Meeting ☎️
    - push tags and run tests against v1.2.0 of the 3 Velero maintainted plugins
    - plan the rest of the week and start planning/organizing for v1.7
    - PR reviews
  • bridget
    • Focusing on 1.6 release blockers
    • Multiple credentials work is complete
  • dave
    • E2E tests with volume snapshots
    • Release candidate when E2E tests running/passing on AWS & vSphere
    • RC tests with latest/earliest K8S supported, Azure, AWS, Kind, vSphere, GCP
    • Manual tests pass

Discussion topics

  • carlisia
    • Welcome Eleanor, who officially starts this week! (PM for Velero)
    • e2e tests for Velero upgrades?

Contributor Shoutouts PRs

Contributor Shoutouts Velero Q&A

None this week. We do have unanswered questions.

March 9, 2021

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

Discussion topics

  • Eleanor Millman will be our new PM starting March 15, 2021
  • Nolan: Go over release-blockers for v1.6.0
  • Nolan: Velero Roadmap update for v1.7.0
    • We will be moving to date-based releases, probably close to Kubernetes release dates.
    • This would be a 4 month cadence, and give us more realistic timeframes; what do folks think about this?
    • No matter what timeframe we pick, we'll be shipping what's included at that time and only stopping for critical bugs.
    • Leave comments on
  • Nolan: Working on a Velero vision for the future. Please leave a comment on this hackmd if you'd like to share your thoughts.

Contributor Shoutouts PRs

Contributor Shoutouts Velero Q&A

March 2, 2021

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • bridget

    • Multiple credentials support
      • Adding docs and E2E test
      • Need one more approval on PR 3442, this will unblock PR 3489
  • nrb

    • Not a lot of progress on roadmap last week, dealing with internal TKG builds
  • ashish

    • Working on making e2e tests as part of our release pipeline.
  • dave

    • Discussion on upload progress monitoring
    • Working on reviewing outstanding feature backlog

Discussion Topics

  • What was the outcome/progress from last week’s discussion topics?

    • Findings for what happens when a resource is in multiple API groups when processed by a custom plugin - new documentation merged in #3498
  • v1.7.0 rough roadmap

    • Velero debug support, based on crashd
    • Trying to get CSI snapshot support to GA
    • Plugin versioning
    • Snapshot upload progress
    • Manifest data structure
    • Distroless container base image to reduce attack surface
    • Velero Carvel installation
    • More detailed test plan; get more thorough in what we're actually looking for out of tests

Contributor Shoutouts (PRs and Discussions)

Feb 23, 2021

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

Discussion Topics

  • Any rotating topics we want to add here?
  • What was the outcome/progress from last week's discussion topics?
  • nrb: Started a design proposal for a backup manifest data structure
  • @codegold79 / @brito-rafa: Findings for what happens when a resource is in multiple API groups when processed by a custom plugin. Related issue:
    • Plugin authors should specify fully qualified names in the ResourceSelector type
    • Action: Document ResourceSelector type
    • Action: Resources that have multiple views with shared UUIDs - define how to handle these properly on restore
      • Example: Deployments which move versions from v1.15 -> v1.16
      • Example: v1beta1 -> v1 introduced different fields, but the object was the same one
  • dave: Using an outbound proxy - Any experience from the group on best practices?

Contributor Shoutouts

Feb 16, 2021

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • carlisia

    • Addressing code reviews for the DownloadRequest controller
    • PR reviews
  • bridget

    • Community support last week
    • Multiple credentials support
      • Draft PR for BSL support
      • Working on Restic support
      • Will continue on plugin support
    • Would like to release the Azure plugin this week
  • dave

    • Finishing up multi-cloud E2E tests PR
    • Worked with Nolan on roadmap
  • nrb

    • Finished up some github actions

Community Shoutout

Feb 9, 2021

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • nrb

  • bridget

    • Working on multiple credential support
      • Blocked on #3190 and #3409 (working off these branches locally)
      • Will push branches for support in BSLs and VSLs once the above are merged
      • Work on restic support is still ongoing
  • carlisia

    • Updated DownloadRequest PR, ready for review
    • Wrapping up addressing reviews for the BSL credentials field PR
    • Next: review PRs related to the multiple credentials change
    • After: PR review of the e2e tests
  • dave

Discussion Topics

  • shawn-hurley (Shawn Hurley)/dave (Dave Smith-Uchida) - Have the Velero CLI use the active namespace in the current context (
    • This has links to multitenancy design - if Velero watches for backups & restores in different namespaces, this becomes important
    • Nolan owes architecture diagrams
  • Rahul Rathi - Ways to capture the volume size corresponding to every snapshot contained in a backup
    • Currently there is no place where Velero captures the snapshot sizes
    • Can the velero VolumeSnapshotter API add a way to report the size of the snapshot and the size of the volume?
    • Dave - snapshots could have dependencies
      • This is why there's a request for the original volume size
    • Nolan
      • Does the CSI API expose this?
        • There's a restoreSize field there
        • We'd need to add another field on the CSI objects, which is viable
      • How would this work with restic
        • Could use PV's size to start with
    • Also helps on restore
    • Dave - Can we get use cases?
      • May need a dry run
      • Give users an idea of how much data is going to be restored?
      • This would be hard to use across clouds
    • Requirements in priority
      • Volume size (in Velero and CSI API)
        • The VolumeSnapshotters are eventually going to be deprecated, so we'll need to make sure it gets into CSI
      • CSI and vSphere snapshots are a different path - they're BackupItemActions
        • We have the PV YAML in the backup, and can scrape it
      • Can we get a design doc?
  • Frankie (codegold79)/Rafael (brito-rafa) - Update on PR #3133 (Enable API Groups Feature)

Contributor Shoutouts

Feb 2, 2021

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

Discussion Topics

  • pranavgaikwad (Pranav Gaikwad)
    • Need help building Velero CLI

Community Shoutouts

None this week (lots of PRs pending reviews)

Jan 26, 2021

Status Updates - items working towards roadmap

  • nrb:
    • Reviewing Frankie's PR for version negotiation at restore.
    • Reviewing PRs that multi-creds work depends on.
    • Tech debt items for v1.6.0 will be trimmed from the board this week and moved to v1.7.0
  • bridget:
    • Continuing work on multiple credentials support
    • Reviewing PRs
  • dave
    • e2e tests across multi-cloud
    • e2e test for multiple namespaces

Discussion Topics

  • Ritesh Patel from Nirmata will demo Kyverno

  • Pranav Gaikwad (@pranavgaikwad) Restore Progress feedback. Should the excluded resources be included in the count of items restored? Not included as per design.

  • Have a question? You can ask in the Discussion Q&A

Community Shoutouts

Jan 19, 2021

Status Updates

Discussion Topics

Community Shoutouts

Jan 12, 2021

Status Updates

  • dave - e2e tests running in Azure - Working on e2e tests running against all clouds as install target
  • nrb
  • bridget
    • Community support last week
    • Working on multiple credentials support
      • Need to make a decision on approach to take
    • Need to follow up on some PRs that have been updated
  • carlisia - This week will be PR reviews and addressing code reviews on my PRs - Sharing community support with Nolan - PTO this Thu and Fri

Discussion Topics

  • dave
    • Azure issues with memory limit and plug-in failure. Hard to debug some plug-in failures.
      • nrb - There is an issue w/ Azure plugin where object storage chunk uploading uses the maximum memory of the Velero pod.
      • nrb - Adding ~10 log messages into the Backup CR seems useful, especially when it can't upload to object store
  • Dylan
    • Ability to selectively patch resources on per restore basis.
      • Use case is Secrets & CRs
        • User wants to continually patch Secrets vs replace it
        • Operators watching CRs, they wanted to make sure the operators were going to keep working
      • Current design of plugins is very much all or nothing.
        • Plugins should be able to allow mutations or patching
      • Give post hooks the backup manifest to help
      • When patching, this is a merge operation. That may result in a merged, incorrect object at the end
      • Can we add a way to download individual JSON from a backup to then re-submit with Kubectl?
        • This exists with the velero backup download command, but you need to take it out of a tarball
      • Can we modify the restoreitemaction plugin API to return an action?
        • The plugin could identify the relevant fields and return a patch object & the patch action
      • Action - Alay and Dylan to work on design doc
  • Phuong: ([email protected]) invite to design meeting for Velero plugin timeout 9am PST Friday Jan 15th. This is the Zoom meeting:
  • carlisia
  • nrb
  • bridget
    • Can we do a v1.5.3 release in the meantime before 1.6?
      • nrb: 👍
        • We need to include some patches like properly deleting when DeleteItemActions are missing, and fixing include/exclude plugin logic (I don't have a full list)

Contributor Shoutouts

Jan 5, 2021

Status Updates

  • carlisia - Back from 2 weeks PTO - This week will be PR reviews and addressing code reviews on my PRs
  • bridget
    • Catching up after PTO
    • On community support this week
    • Will pick up work on multiple credentials support again
  • nrb
    • Also catching up after PTO - need to catch up on opened issues and outstanding PRs

Discussion Topics

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