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2a. Extensions: Writing Custom Extensions
This document will go over how to create a custom vpuppr extension from scratch. It will be assumed that the developer has beginner-intermediate level knowledge of programming.
The extension that will be created in this document will be very simple but should showcase how a developer would create an interactive extension for vpuppr.
The extension to be created will be called Confetti
The extension will have a GUI element that a user can interact with. All the extension will do is generate some particle effects on screen when the user presses a button.
The folder structure of an extension is very simple:
- resources/
- extensions/
- Confetti/ <-- our extension
- translations/
- ... translation files for this extension ...
- ... other extension files ...
- ... other extensions ...
- Confetti/ <-- our extension
- extensions/
In the config.toml
file, the following text should be present:
# The name of the extension in vpuppr
# Must be unique among all other extensions
name = "ConfettiExtension"
# An optional translation key to use when displaying this extension in the UI
translation-key = "CONFETTI_EXTENSION_NAME"
# The name of a resource used by the extension
# Must be unique among resources in this extension
name = "Confetti"
# A tag to apply to the extension
# Used internally for auto-applying extensions to different parts of vpuppr
tags = ["gui"]
# The script to execute when the resource is loaded
entrypoint = "confetti_gui.gd"
# An optional translation key to use when displaying this extension in the UI
# Does not need to be unique
translation-key = "CONFETTI_EXTENSION_NAME"
# Whether this should be treated as a gdnative library
# Optional and defaults to false
gdnative = false
can-popup = true
# Spaces are technically fine in the name but should be avoided
# Spaces will be used for demonstration purposes in this example
name = "Confetti Emitter"
tags = ["plugin"]
entrypoint = "emitter.gd"
# Other resources can be added using the same format
# [[resources]]
The above toml
file can also be written as json
if desired:
"extension": {
"name": "ConfettiExtension",
"translation-key": "CONFETTI_EXTENSION_NAME"
"resources": [
"name": "Confetti",
"tags": ["gui"],
"entrypoint": "confetti_gui.gd",
"translation-key": "CONFETTI_EXTENSION_NAME",
"gdnative": false,
"can-popup": true
"name": "Confetti Emitter",
"tags": ["plugin"],
"entrypoint": "emitter.gd"
If using json, the config.toml
file should be named config.json
to ensure it
is parsed correctly.
The GUI for this will be created via code rather than via a Godot tscn
file. This is because
files are not natively portable (their resources paths use absolute paths which
can be difficult to reconcile).
Under the Confetti/
folder, create a file called confetti_gui.gd
. Note that this matches
the entrypoint
key defined in the config.toml
In the confetti_gui.gd
file, use the following code:
# Most GUI elements should extend PanelContainer but any valid container node should be fine
extends PanelContainer
# Define a constant value so we can lookup our emitter later
# TCM stands for "TempCacheManager"
const TCM_KEY := "confetti_emitter"
# Create a logger that can be traced back to this GUI element
var logger := Logger.new("ConfettiGUI")
func _init() -> void:
# Create a scroll container so the GUI can scroll up/down
var sc := ScrollContainer.new()
# Helper class for setting expand/fill flags
# Adds the ScrollContainer as a child of this class, the PanelContainer
# GUI elements should be laid out top-to-bottom
var vbox := VBoxContainer.new()
var usage_label := Label.new()
# Pull an appropriate translation from the extension's translation files
usage_label.text = tr("CONFETTI_USAGE_LABEL_TEXT")
var confetti_button := Button.new()
confetti_button.text = tr("CONFETTI_SHOW_PARTICLES_BUTTON_TEXT")
# Hover text can be applied using the hint_tooltip property
confetti_button.hint_tooltip = tr("CONFETTI_HINT")
var emitter
# Persistent data/elements can be stored at runtime using vpuppr's TempCacheManager
# It is good practice to manually cleanup data once it is no longer needed
# Here, we are checking to see if there is already an emitter and using it if it exists
var result := AM.tcm.pull(TCM_KEY)
if result.is_err():
# If the emitter does not exist, we create one
result = AM.em.get_extension("ConfettiExtension")
if result.is_err():
logger.error("Unable to get Confetti extension")
var extension: Extension = result.unwrap()
result = extension.load_resource("Confetti Emitter")
if result.is_err():
logger.error("Unable to load Emitter resource")
emitter = result.unwrap().new()
# Store the emitter in the TempCacheManager and set it to auto-delete
# when we navigate away from the current scene
AM.tcm.push(TCM_KEY, emitter).cleanup_on_signal(Engine.get_main_loop().current_scene, "tree_exiting")
# NOTE: This is technically a memory leak if it is not properly cleaned up
emitter = result.unwrap()
# Remember to hook up the appropriate callbacks so that the GUI actually responds to user input
# The emitter is passed as a parameter to the callback function
confetti_button.connect("pressed", self, "_on_confetti_button_pressed", [emitter])
func _on_confetti_button_pressed(emitter) -> void:
Because this is just a GDScript file, the usual functions and classes are also available to the developer.
The code below should be placed into a file called emitter.gd
. This creates a new
and creates a new particle emitter when emit_confetti
is called.
extends CanvasLayer
var active_particles := []
func _process(_delta: float) -> void:
for p in active_particles:
if not p.emitting:
func emit_confetti() -> void:
var particles = CPUParticles2D.new()
particles.one_shot = true
particles.emitting = true
particles.lifetime = 3.0
particles.scale *= 5
particles.emission_shape = ParticlesMaterial.EMISSION_SHAPE_SPHERE
particles.emission_sphere_radius = 10.0
particles.gravity = Vector2(0.0, 98.0)
particles.linear_accel = 50.0
particles.tangential_accel = 50.0
particles.scale_amount = 5.0
particles.scale_amount_random = 0.5
particles.hue_variation = 1.0
particles.hue_variation_random = 1.0
particles.position = Vector2(randi() % int(OS.window_size.x), randi() % int(OS.window_size.y))
Under the translations folder under the Confetti
extension folder, create a file called en.txt
This will create a translation file for all English locales. Please reference i18 for the
relevant language codes if translations other than English are needed.
Inside of that file, paste the following translations:
CONFETTI_HINT="This is a secret piece of text :)
New lines are possible here."
CONFETTI_USAGE_LABEL_TEXT="Create confetti on screen by clicking the button below!"