It's a Web Site maked in the REFIBRA's context to try a new experience with relational objects, in this case Postal Stamps. It was developed using Angular 7 + Bootwatch framework and Cytoscape.js to make a ralation item graph. On the main page the user can search by a named relation registered in the repository:
After that teh user can operate a new graph gerated with itens relatad with the searched named relation:
The user can double-clik on the item an see information about item:
It will be possible register and update itens too. With this the user will be a "interagente" like described on the Vinícius' research. Nowadays this sites still in development, for this no have register item page yet.
This project is son of a great research realise in the context Vinícius Cabral's Master degree in Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) under supervison of Dr. Diego Salcedo. Nowadays it stand in developmento until 2020 but has a Abstract like that:
This research it’s about a practical proposal for the application of Interactive Epistemography with the use of technological tools of the Semantic Web prototyped with Postal Stamps as informational items and the interacting agent as a source of information. The positivist way of classification leaves no space for knowledge outside the cycles of specialized domain to be disclosed and exploited, a hierarchical classification avoid other possibilities. In this way it is necessary to think of integrative practices that give equal opportunity so that different world views can be used to represent items in digital environments, an open and constantly changing classification. As a consequence of the insertion of logical pluralism the possibility of discovering different knowledge, in a research or navigation, is enhanced the encounter with other types of thinking: serendipity. In this sense, this research aims to discuss and develop within the context of the Brazilian Philatelic Repository (REFIBRA) a proposal for the application of Interactive Epistemography, based on concepts such as declassification and autonarration, using Semantic Web technologies and providing the participation of the interacting agent as constant resignification of informational items, in this scenario the Postal Stamps. Therefore, in the research was used the bibliographic and documentary survey to identify the discussion of concepts and basic practices for the development of the proposed application. Subsequently the project took practical steps to create the technological tool that would allow the concrete application of what was studied in the first stage. In this way it was possible to create a Web environment in which it is possible to participate in any world view in equal measure, besides providing the retrieval, meeting and discovery of information.
Docker version 2.1+
- git clone
- cd RefibraAngular
- docker-compose build
- docker-compose up
Web Site: http://localhost:4201
This web site used to create a graph.