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Minimal marketplace for Resource exchange (as an example for tickets). Full stack implementation by microservices architecture using Typescript and node with CI/CD using docker and Kubernetes.

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Ticketing Application

The rush of excitement we coders feel when we make a computer do something new using nothing more than solitude, brain power, and typing. - Ken Kocienda in Creative Selection

This is a microservices based application written in TypeScript. Frontend is a server side rendered react application written in Next.js and styled with tailwind-css. Backend services are written in express.jsandnode. We use MongoDBandRedisfor our data storage needs. All interservice communication is aynchronous. We deploy this application by first containerizing individual services usingDocker. We then orchestrate the containers in a Kubernetes cluster to make our product reliable and more manageble. We follow 12 factor app guidlines while building this application.

To run the app, make sure you have Docker for Desktop and skaffold. Once installed, run below

skaffold dev

Product Requirements / Business Logic

  1. Users can list a ticket for an event for sale
  2. Other users can purchase this ticket
  3. Any user can list tickets for sale and purchase tickets
  4. When a user attempts to purchase a ticket, the ticket is locked for 15 minutes. The users have 15 mins to enter their payment info
  5. While locked, no other user can purchase the ticket. After 15 mins, ticket should unlock
  6. Ticket prices can be edited if they are not locked

Technical Solution Design

Resource Types

Let's think about the entities in our domain that we are trying to model. It is useful to think about the domain we are trying to model. People sometime

  1. User
    • user.password
  2. Ticket
    • - pk
    • - string
    • ticket.description - string
    • ticket.userId - Ref to User
    • ticket.orderId - Ref to Order
  3. Order - represents the intent of the user to buy the ticket, we lock the ticket at this stage
    • order.userId - Ref to User
    • order.ticketId - Ref to ticket
    • order.status - Created | Cancelled | Awaiting Payment | Completed
    • order.expiresAt - Date
  4. Charge
    • charge.orderId - Ref to Order
    • charge.status - Created | Failed | Completed
    • charge.amount - numeber
    • charge.stripeId - string
    • charge.stripeRefundId - string

Service Types

  1. auth : Everything related to user signup/signin/signout
  2. tickets: Ticket creating/editing. Knows about wheather a ticket can be updated
  3. orders: Order creation/editing
  4. expiration: watches for orders to be created, cancels them after 15 minutes
  5. payments: Handle credit card payments. Cancel order if payment fails, completes if payment succeeds

We are creating individual service to manage each type of resource. This probably is not neccessary. Choices will depend on your use cases, number of resources, business logic tied to each resource etc. You can look into 'feature-based design` which might be better. read more about it here


  1. User
    • UserCreated
    • UserUpdated
  2. Ticket
    • TicketCreated
    • TicketUpdated
  3. Order
    • OrderCreated
    • OrderCancelled
    • OrderExpired
  4. Charge
    • ChargeCreated


  • We use ingress-nginx for communicating with kubernetes cluster from outside
    • install it if you reset your cluster from here

Normalisation Strategies

  1. How do we validate all POST requests are well formed with relavent fields ?
  2. There are many other sources of errors which will result in an error, such as user already exists error, db down error etc.
    • We absolutely have no idea what might go wrong and where
    • We have to make sure that we catch all such errors and handle them in a consistent manner.
    • All error responses should be structurally consistent for a service or even accross services which maybe written in different technology stack.

We solve this by wrting an error handling middlewareto process errors, give them consistent structure, and send back to the user. We also capture all possible errors leveraging express's error handling mechanism (call the next function). You can read more about express error handling here

  1. Error handling classes which are sub classes of CustomError.
  2. CustomError is an abstract class with statusCode variable and serializeErrors function.
  3. We use express-async-errors to also handle async errors in express similar to sync errors. Otherwise, express requires us to call next funtion in the middleware to handle error properly.

Authentication for microservices

Cookies vs JWT: refresher

  1. Cookies
    • Are a transport mechanism
    • Moves any kind of data between browser and server
    • Automatically managed by the browser
  2. JWT's
    • Authentication / Authoriztion mechanism
    • Stores any data we want
    • We have to manage it manually

We use asynchronous auth, i.e each service knows how to authenticate a user (using JWT). This allows us to remove sync dependency between services and makes our architecture decoupled. JWT's timing functionality can be used to implement scenarios such as banning / blocking a user on the platform.

  1. We use cookie-session for setting and reading the cookies. We set secure: true for only seeting in https connections. We also set signed: false to not sign the cookie, because in our case cookie itself is JWT.
  2. We use jsonwebtokens to sign and verify JWT in this application.

Requirements for authentication mechanism in microservices architecture

  1. Must be able to tell details about the user
  2. Must be able to handle authorization info
  3. Must have a built-in, tamper ressistant way to expire or invalidate itself
  4. Must be easily understood between different languages
    • Cookie handling accross languages is usually an issue when we encrypt the data in the cookie
    • Hence, we do not encrypt the data in the cookie, because
    • JWT are tamper ressistant
    • One can encrypt the cookie if it's a hard requirement
  5. Must not require a backing data store on the server

JWT's meet all the above requirement. Our frontend is a SSR (server side rendered) react app hence, we use cookies as a transport mechanism for our JWT's.

Secret sharing in kubernetes cluster

For creating typical objects in the kubernetes cluster we have used declarative approach by writing config files in YAML. We created below secret imperitively because we were in a dev environment, (in particular we stored jwt-key)

kubectl create secret generic jwt-secret --from-literal=JWT_KEY=yourkey

Common Response Properties

We have used toJSON function in userSchema to define the structure of response that we send back to the user, more importantly, we delete the __v and password fields and remap _id to id.

more reasearch into kubernetes namespaces needed

Url to make request for SSR rendering to get authed data

> kubectl get namespaces
> kubectl get services -n ingress-nginx

const url = 'http://ingress-nginx-controller.ingress-nginx.svc.cluster.local';

Difficult to remember, we can setup a external name service. This is not neccessary. We do this to avoid remembering the above monstrosity.

Common npm package to share resuable functionality between services

  • common is a npm package called @vstix/common which other services use

  • compile to normal js and a type definition file

    We can install @vstix/common by:

    npm install @vstix/common

Or, we can update it by (this is more often than not as we add functionality to the common lib which then can be used by other services)

npm update @vstix/common

Mongo data model associations

Similar to foriegn key constraint, Mongo has a concept of Ref/Population. Below are some implementation detail. Below, an Order is ted to a ticket using a ref property. The type is a mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId.

const orderSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
    userId: {
      type: String,
      required: [true, 'Please provide a userId'],
    status: {
      type: String,
      required: [true, 'status is a required field, it seems to be missing'],
      enum: Object.values(OrderStatus),
      default: OrderStatus.Created,
    expiresAt: {
      type: mongoose.Schema.Types.Date,
    ticket: {
      type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
      ref: 'Ticket',
    toJSON: {
      transform(doc, ret) { = ret._id;
        delete ret._id;
        delete ret.__v;

const ticketSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
    title: {
      type: String,
      required: true,

    price: {
      type: Number,
      required: true,
      min: 0,
    toJSON: {
      transform(doc, ret) { = ret._id;
        delete ret._id;

In this referenceing solution, primarily we are concerned only in 3 following situation

  • To associate an existing Order and Ticket together
const ticket = await Ticket.findOne({});
const order = await Order.findOne({});

order.ticket = ticket;
  • To associate Ticket with a new Order
const ticket = await Ticket.findOne({});
const order ={
  ticket: ticket,
  userId: '....',
  status: OrderStatus.Created,
  expiresAt: tommorow,
  • To fetch an existing Order from the database, with its associated Ticket
const order = await Order.findById('....').populate('ticket');

Event Bus: NATS Streaming Server

  • clientID concept
  • channels / topics concept
  • manual acknowledgement option
  • queue group concepts
  • Concurrency Handling
    • Event Redivelry
    • Durable Subscriptions

Implementation design decisions

Every service in the application has some similar requirements to publish / subscribe to different channels (topics if you come from kafka land) of interest. We have used some object oriented concepts to reduce the boilerplate code to achieve this functionality and make it really easy to send / recieve events. We have base abstract classes (Publisher<T extends Event> and Listener<T extends Event>) in the @vstix/common centralised library which each service can extend to either publish events on specific channels or listen for and recieve updates from the system. We also provide centralised source of different events in our system and export it as an enum called Subjects, so that we remove the case of typing errors on the individual service developers.

For example, to create publisher for ticket:created event, TicketCreatedPublisher , we can define a published as follows

import { Publisher, Subjects, TicketCreatedEvent } from '@vstix/common';

export class TicketCreatedPublisher extends Publisher<TicketCreatedEvent> {
  readonly subject: Subjects.TicketCreated = Subjects.TicketCreated;

Where TicketCreatedEvent is defined in @vstix/common as follows

import { Subjects } from './subjects';

export interface TicketCreatedEvent {
  subject: Subjects.TicketCreated;
  data: {
    id: string,
    title: string,
    price: number,
    userId: string,

and Subjects is an enum exported from @vstix/common as follows

export enum Subjects {
  TicketCreated = 'ticket:created',
  TicketUpdated = 'ticket:updated',

How to create a new service in the application

  • Scaffolding orders (or any new service) service
    • Duplicate tickets service
    • make name changes and install dependencies
    • build an image out of the service
    • Create a Kubernetes deployment file
    • setup file sync options in skaffold.yaml file
    • setup routing rules in the ingress service




Minimal marketplace for Resource exchange (as an example for tickets). Full stack implementation by microservices architecture using Typescript and node with CI/CD using docker and Kubernetes.







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