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Simple ledger and transaction authorizer application. Created to demonstrate software engineering skills and good practices.

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This is an implementation of a simple "new" ledger, originally for a remote interview. It's original features included the tracking of state of a single account, with an available limit of currency to be spent and whether its card was active or not. Also multiple rules to authorize transactions in the account. The active state of the card cannot be changed, but the available limit should reduce for every transaction that is authorized.

Implemented the specification with some design decisions to make it easy to expand in the future. Be it with new business logic for authorizing transactions as well as incrementing the wire format in which the operations are received or the actual ledger implementation.

After submitting the project for evaluation, also implemented support for multiple accounts, which I felt would be a nice addition. The next nice feature to add after that could be to support changing the active state of an account's card, for example to (un)block the card of an existing account.

There are both extensive documentation and 100% coverage tests of the code, which can be both inspected easily in the browser. The integrated server for documentation (godoc) can be started with make doc while the tests server (goconvey) with make test_server.

Project Operation

There is a Makefile with hopefully all the commands that will be necessary for inspecting, building, testing and running the project.


go version 1.13+ and/or docker


Instead of reading the documentation directly in the source files, you can read it in the godoc interface in your browswer.

To start the godoc server:

make doc

Then read the project documentation in your browser at: http://localhost:6060/pkg/nuledger


To generate the mock implementations:

make generate

Notice it is not always necessary to re-generate the mocks, only when the mocked interfaces have changed and thus need some update. Otherwise, they're already there and checked-in to version control.

To execute the tests:

make test

Alternatively, start the goconvey server for visualizing the test results:

make test_server

Then watch the test results display in your browser. If the browser doesn't open automatically, click: http://localhost:8080


To build the project locally:

make build

It outpts the executable file to the ./build folder with authorizer name. e.g. You can test it with one of the integraction test cases with:

make build && ./build/authorizer < testcases/base/in.jsonl

Alternatively, to build the project with Docker (also runs tests):

make docker


To run the application locally:

make run

That one doesn't generate build output as well so it leaves the folder clean.

To run the application in Docker:

make docker_run

That will run the docker build command again and then run the container. You can pipe the input directly to make and it will work as expected, e.g.:

make docker_run < testcases/highFreqTransactions/in.jsonl


The application should read all the input from stdin and write all the output to stdout, both in the JSON Lines format. Each JSON in the input represents an operation to be performed, either creating an account (account field in input object) or performing – after authorizing – a transaction (transaction field).

Each output should include the final state of the corresponding account, in the account field of the output object. It could be either the transformed state after the given operation was performed or the exactly the previous state in case there was some business rule violation for performing the transaction.

The business rule violations are well-specified, being:

  • account-already-initialized: Account had already been initialized when another create account operation was requested (with the same account ID).
  • account-not-initialized: A perform transaction operation was attempted before the corresponding account was actually initialized.
  • card-not-active: A perform transaction operation was attempted in an account whose card is not active.
  • insufficient-limit: A transaction is attempted with an amount higher than the available limit of the account.
  • high-frequency-small-interval: Too many transactions are performed in the same account within a small interval. This limit is currently configured as a maximum of 3 transactions in the same account every 2 minutes.
  • double-transaction: A duplicate transaction was attempted. This means that the attempted transaction has the same account, amount and merchant of a recent transaction. A transaction is currently considered to be recent if performed at most 2 minutes ago.

Any violations of business logic must be included in the violations field of the output object written to stdout. This means that if the operation was not authorized then at least one violation will be present in the output.

Some examples of input/output combinations can be seen in the testcases folder in the root of the project (run by the main_test.go test). A very simple one (base) is:

  • Input:
{"account": {"active-card": true, "available-limit": 100}}
{"transaction": {"merchant": "Pizza Zagga", "amount": 20, "time": "2019-02-13T10:00:00.000Z"}}
{"transaction": {"merchant": "TT Burger", "amount": 90, "time": "2019-02-13T11:00:00.000Z"}}
  • Output:

Notice that every transaction has a timestamp, and it is a hard requirement by the program that the timestamps must be received in order. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to process transactions one by one since many of the algorithms depend on the chronological order. If the program didn't have that guarantee, it'd also need to keep a buffer of some of the last seen transactions to be sure to process each transaction only when no transaction before it could show up.

Also notice that this example does not have any reference to an account ID. Since the multi-account was implemented as an additional feature, it is also completely optional. So an account can specify no ID which has the same behavior as an empty string ID. To use the multi-account feature, an id field has to be specified in the create account operation and an accountId field has to be specified in the perform transaction operation, and it will correspondingly appear in the output objects.


Some design decisions were made, so some of the higher level ones will be detailed here for easier understanding of the whole project. As mentioned in the previous session, lower-level documentation is also available for all the exported components in the code and can be inspected either directly in the code or in the browser via godoc.

I/O Processor

For the input/output processing part of the application I created a separate iop package, which stands for exactly that.

The application was proposed with a very specific form of input/output, reading line-separated JSONs from the standard input, processing them and writing them to the standard output. With that in mind, I believed it made a lot of sense to separate that specific logic, both this read-process-write pipeline and the actual JSON format of the received and returned objects, into that separate package.

The package also exports a single interface which is where any business logic for processing the operations needs to plugin. The interface basically receives the input JSON and returns the response JSON, so a slightly higher level component can already be created without worrying about the I/O pipeline.

The iop is similar to an HTTP framework that handles the lower level protocol and provides the higher level objects to a component to do any business logic.

Rule Authorizers

The other core piece of the code architecture are the rule authorizers. Their interface and some generic helpers are defined in the authorizer/rule package, while the specific rule implementations are in authorizer/rules.

They exist so that the actual account-managing part of the application are as extensible as possible, with authorization rules being easily created or removed from the default set of rules. In the specific implementation, each violation code is validated by a specific authorizer, but we can also combine multiple of them in a single authorizer if helpful. The violations are returned as errors in the authorization, later translated into an actual violations array in the response.

These can also allow for flexible managing of accounts, and we could choose different sets of authorizers depending on other specific rules. For example, an account could have some overdraft feature to alow it to go below its limit, so we could include the specific authorizer about that or not.

For the specific violation about maximum frequency of transactions, there is a rate limiter utility in the util package which has the core frequency limiting logic. It implements an "optimal response" algorithm for rate-limiting, in the sense that it might become expensive for a lot of events but it guarantees that the correct response will be given regarding the number of transactions in the past observation interval. Decided to use it for the double transaction as well to avoid re-implementing some custom logic, even though the double transactions would be rather simpler to implement directly with just a timestamp.


The authorizer is the package with the "most core" business logic of the application apart from the rule authorizers mentioned above.

The first relevant component is an implementation of an I/O handler which receives the JSON objects from the iop package, processes them internally and translates the response back to the I/O pipeline. Following the same analogy of HTTP frameworks, it would be an API router/controller which routes specific requests to the corresponding API that should be called and then translates the response to the protocol being used.

The final one is the ledger itself, which ends up being pretty simple given the above abstractions. It provides explicit methods for each of the operations supported by the system (creating an account and performing a transaction) and is the component called by the handler from the paragraph above. Its implementation is rather simple though, since it only needs to validate the (non-)existence of the account, authorizer the operation with the configured rule authorizer, and then actually perform the operation if all is fine.


There are both integration and unit tests in the project.

The integration test is written in the root of the project, in the main_test.go file. It goes through all the test cases in the testcases folder, each represented by a sub-folder with an in.jsonl and out.jsonl files for input and expected output respectively.

The unit tests are written across the project in the *_test.go files, at least one in each (non-generated) package. These unit tests also make use of test mocks generated by the golang/mock library. The mock generation makes use of the go generate command that processes a couple of //go:generate directives in some files, which leverage from the script in the project root as well to save some boilerplate.

All the tests are also written with the goconvey library, so one can run their CLI/webserver to see a friendlier UI with all the executed tests, test coverage and which automatically refreshes with changes in the source code as well.


Simple ledger and transaction authorizer application. Created to demonstrate software engineering skills and good practices.






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