Example application for an e-commerce site with functional Frontend + Backend with theme selection, user management and order cart management.
Developed using:
- Generated with Vite using React + TypeScript Template
- React - https://react.dev/
- Tailwind CSS - https://tailwindcss.com/
- Typescript - https://www.typescriptlang.org/
- React Router - https://reactrouter.com/en/main
- JSONServer - JSON Server Stable Github Page using JSON Server Auth for authentication and route protection
- Netlify - https://app.netlify.com/ for frontend deployment
- CodeLib Mock Server - codelib-mock-server backend server
- npm run dev: Launches frontend dev server + watch for changes
- npm run jsonserve: Launches local JSON Server + JSON Server Auth with their files linked and watching for changes
- npm run build: generate code bundle to /build directory