An iCal API to see the 42 events in a calendar.
The API allows one to fetch all the 42 events as an ICS file.
The route is the following:
GET /events?campusIds=1,37&cursusIds=9,21
All query filters are optional.
You can find more information on the Swagger UI page.
To prevent 42 API's data leak, the routes are protected using HTTP Basic authentication.
It can be used with the HTTP Authorization
header, or with the basic
query param
(this is because most iCalendar clients do not allow passing username and password).
GET /events?basic=dXNlcjpwYXNz
You have to create a new intra app (Settings > API > REGISTER A NEW APP). You may find more information on the intra API documentation.
Create a .env file with the following variables:
The easiest way to deploy this app is to use Docker. Just run the following command:
docker run \
--env-file .env \
--publish 3000:3000 \
Licensed under MIT License, Copyright 2024 Valentin Furmanek.