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Install in Arch

Teemu Toivola edited this page Oct 22, 2022 · 1 revision


These instructions assume

  • access to 'root' account or user with admin permissions
  • some basic Linux skills
  • commands aren't copypasted blindly
  • that the process is stopped in case of errors


Arch is a rolling release distribution and the vnStat package in the official Arch Community repository is usually updated within a week from a new vnStat release. As a result, compiling and installing vnStat from the source package isn't usually needed for getting the latest version.

Install without image output support

pacman -S vnstat

or with image output support

pacman -S vnstat vnstati

Enable and start the service

systemctl enable vnstat
systemctl start vnstat

Verify that daemon process got started

pgrep -c vnstatd

which should reply "1". A reply of "0" indicates that the process has failed to start.