Voice recording library based only on WEB Audio API interface. This library allows you to make a voice recording, play, pause and rewind record. The library is fully modular. This means you can use require or import to get it.
<!-- HTML -->
<div id='dictaphone'>
<div id='playback_buttons'>
<button id='rec'>Record</button>
<button id='stop'>Stop</button>
<button id='play_pause'>Play/Pause</button>
<button id='rew'>Rewind</button>
<button id='ff'>Fastforward</button>
<button id='save'>Save</button>
<div id="recording_progress_bar">
<progress value="0" min="0" max="0" id="progress_bar"></progress>
<div id="progress_time"><b id="time">0:00 / 0:00</b></div>
<audio id='player'></audio>
// --- JS CODE ---
const Dictaphone = require('dictaphone-js');
const player = document.getElementById("player"),
rec = document.getElementById("rec"),
stop = document.getElementById("stop"),
pp = document.getElementById("play_pause"),
rew = document.getElementById("rew"),
ff = document.getElementById("ff");
// Create instance
const dictaphone = new Dictaphone(player);
rec.addEventListener("click", function(){dictaphone.startRecording()});
stop.addEventListener("click", function(){dictaphone.stopRecording()});
pp.addEventListener("click", function(){dictaphone.togglePlayback()});
rew.addEventListener("click", function(){dictaphone.rewind(0)});
ff.addEventListener("click", function(){dictaphone.rewindToEnd()});
The easiest way to use Dictaphone-js is to install it from NPM and include it in your own js build process (using Webpack, etc).
npm install dictaphone-js --save
At this point you can import dictaphone-js in your application as follows:
import Dictaphone from 'dictaphone-js';
// OR
const Dictaphone = require('dictaphone-js');
time | Number (sec) - required
You can add an event listener that fires when the some event happens.
dictaphone.on('pause', function(data) { console.log(data)});
Dictaphone-js provides next events:
- 'play',
- 'pause',
- 'startRecording',
- 'stopRecording',
- 'progress',
- 'pause',
- 'rewind',
- 'error'
Popcorn.js is made available under the MIT License.