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How Hyperthermia Works

Vadim Gromov edited this page Dec 30, 2020 · 6 revisions

Hyperthermia is a disease that appears when player is above some warmth level.
Disease itself does not contain any treatment procedures, and is totally controlled from the HyperthermiaMonitor.
Hyperthermia affects player's body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, fatigue and stamina. Can also result in a food disgust and inability to run.

Hyperthermia starts when player's warmth level goes above the HyperthermiaWarmthLevelThreshold.

To start curing hyperthermia:

  • If initial stage is active -- warmth level must go below HyperthermiaWarmthLevelThreshold - 6f and stay there until disease is gone.
  • If worrying stage is active -- warmth level must go below HyperthermiaWarmthLevelThreshold - 12f and stay there until disease is gone.
  • If critical stage is active -- warmth level must go below HyperthermiaWarmthLevelThreshold - 15f and stay there until disease is gone.

If during the curing time player's warmth level becomes higher than the according value, disease chain will be inverted back.

For worrying and critical stages there is a chance of death. On a critical stage, chance of death is increased during the sleep.

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