- 👋 Hi, I’m @uxeric
- 💞️ I’m interested in everything javascript, machine learning, and Web 3/2.5
- 👀 I’m looking to collaborate on fun Vue or React projects that leverage LLMs
- Is PHP cool again?!
- Should we be creating an object oriented "Zig++" as a replacement for C++?
- MOJO is exciting, and has the potential of being a truly general purpose language. Chris Lattner is a hero.
- LLM technology has stabilized somewhat, which means it's time for us devs actually build stuff with it. Exciting times!
- Are we on the path to Web 3 yet? Could Web 2.5 be the route that leads us there?
- Is the BBQ the only cooking appliance we need? Should all recipes conform to it's particular constraints or just most?