The objective of the game is to exit the maze avoiding the zombies.
To play the game with the default maze open a terminal window and run the script:
To play with some other maze use the flag -f
For example:
./ -f smallmaze.txt
The game should run on any system with bash and GNU sed and standard Unix tools.
| | | |
+ + + +--+ +
| | | Z > |
+ +Z +--+ + +
| | | | | |
+ + + + + +
| | | |
+--+--+--+--+ +
You can build your own maze. The game assumes the maze is of rectangular shape,
so keep the length of all lines equal. The character is represented by one of
characters. Zombies are one of the udlr
letters. The exit must
be on the outer border.
To record your game and replay it later use the -r
./ -r
The game will output the command to replay your game after you finish playing.