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Allen Golbig edited this page May 23, 2023 · 17 revisions

The project supports modifying existing rules and adding new rules to a baseline, to meet an organizations requirements. For existing rules, only the fields that are being customized need to remain — this ensures that your custom rules will continue working as the project is updated (including updates to meet the needs of future OS releases). Where tailoring is used to select which rules to include in a benchmark, customizing is modifying the rules themselves.

To modify an existing rule do the following:

  1. Copy the existing rule file to the custom folder. The name must rename the same.

  2. Remove any fields that don’t need to be modified.

  3. Modify the fields that meet your organizational defined values.

  4. Run, the custom version of the rule will be added to the output.

Example (Configure macOS to Use an Authorized Time Server)
     - MSCP-OS-001
   Remediation Tool:
     - MDM

To add an new rule, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new rules.yaml file in the custom folder.

    1. If the rule contains a configuration profile payload not in the project, add the new payload to supported_payloads.yaml in the includes folder.

  2. Run to add the new rule to your baseline.

  3. Run against the customized baseline.

Use Case:

If you want to include a custom version of rule that still explains the control, but do not want to include a check, result, or fix see below. By adding the manual tag to the custom rule will also ensure it does not show up in the compliance script.

Example Rule (No Check/Result/Fix)
check: |
result: |
fix: |
    - manual