Deuvox is ...
To start developing this project, you need to clone this repository. After that, you can now start developing this project by run the main using this command:
go run cmd/main.go
To build the project you can use this command:
go build cmd/main.go
To run the test you can use this command:
go test ./...
It's recommended to run this project using docker. To run this project using docker:
docker-compose up
- cmd # This is where the main.go located
- internal # This folder is used to store clean architecture folder
- app # This folder is to initialize application (dependacy injection, router, and middleware)
- delivery # Handler (checking data from client in here)
- repository # Get data
- inner # Data (database, cache, api, grpc, upstream)
- usecase # Bussiness logic
- pkg # Utility Here