These instructions apply for any UI Framework (Angular, React, Svelte or Vue). Only difference between frameworks is in step 3. below.
If you want to use dependency injection, I suggest to use noicejs library
npm install --save noicejs
Add following option to tsconfig.json:
"experimentalDecorators": true
When using Babel you need to install Decorator support:
npm install --save-dev @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators
When using Babel, add following to .babelrc file:
"plugins": [
"legacy": true
other plugins here,
Create module by extending it from 'Module'. Override 'configure' function, and inside it, bind service names to service constructor functions
import { Module, ModuleOptions } from 'noicejs';
import FakeTodoService from '@/todolist/model/services/FakeTodoService';
export default class ServiceModule extends Module {
public async configure(options: ModuleOptions) {
await super.configure(options);
Use module(s) created in step 1. to create DI container using 'Container.from' function
import { Container } from 'noicejs';
import ServiceModule from '@/modules/ServiceModule';
export default Container.from(new ServiceModule())
Configure DI container created in step 2. before rendering app.
import diContainer from '@/diContainer';
diContainer.configure().then(() => {
.catch(err => console.error(err));
import diContainer from '@/diContainer';
diContainer.configure().then(() => {
const rootElement = document.getElementById('app');
if (rootElement) {
render(<App />, rootElement);
import diContainer from '@/diContainer';
let app;
diContainer.configure().then(() => {
app = new App({
target: document.body,
props: {
name: 'world'
import diContainer from '@/diContainer';
diContainer.configure().then(() => {
createApp(App).mount( "#app");
Inject services by names to Services class constructor. In 'Inject' decorator the name of service is the same as given in step 1. to 'bind' function.
Export 'getServices()' function that will return an instance of Services created by 'diContainer.create' function. Created 'Services' class instance contains injected services.
import { BaseOptions, Inject } from 'noicejs';
import diContainer from '@/diContainer';
import { ITodoService } from '@/todolist/model/services/ITodoService';
interface ServicesOptions extends BaseOptions {
todoService: ITodoService;
componentAService: IComponentAService;
componentBService: IComponentBService;
@Inject('todoService', 'componentAService', 'componentBService', ...)
class Services {
readonly todoService: ITodoService;
readonly componentBService: IComponentBService;
readonly componentCService: IComponentCService;
constructor(options: ServicesOptions) {
this.todoService = options.todoService;
this.componentBService = options.componentBService;
this.componentCService = options.componentCService;
let services: Services;
export default async function getServices() {
if (services) {
return Promise.resolve(services);
services = await diContainer.create(Services);
return services;
Import getServices() function and call it to get the services
import store from '@/store/store';
import getServices from '@/services/services';
export default async function fetchTodos(): Promise<void> {
const { todosState } = store.getState();
todosState.isFetchingTodos = true;
todosState.hasTodosFetchFailure = false;
try {
todosState.todos = await (await getServices()).todoService.tryFetchTodos();
} catch (error) {
todosState.hasTodosFetchFailure = true;
todosState.isFetchingTodos = false;