A mint ice cream themed expense reimbursement program.
- Java
- JavaScript
- NodeJS
- Fetch
- Oracle Database
List of features ready and TODOs for future development
- Account creation
- Reimbursement Creation
- Administrative accounts
- Approval/denial of claims
To-do list:
- Improve design/functionality
- Refactor code
- Ensure that Node.js, git, Tomcat and Eclipse are installed.
- Ensure that git is installed.
- Open command line (cmd).
- Clone the project repository by typing
git clone https://github.com/unclebanks/project1.git
into said cmd. - Once the cloning is complete, navigate to the project directory.
- Open the repository within Eclipse.
- Right click the main project1 package and run on the server.
- This will start the back-end application.
- Type
npm ci
into the cmd. This is short-hand fornpm clean-install
- Once the installation is complete type
npm start
into the cmd to begin the front-end program. - If an internet browser window has not opened automatically, the program can be accessed by doing so and navigating to
git clone https://github.com/unclebanks/project1.git
npm ci
npm start
This project uses the MIT standard license.