Install the Xblock into your OpenEdx Instance, then add it to a course in the Advanced Module List in Advanced Settings (add "attendancerecord"
The module supports up to 3 levels of nesting. The last level will contain the IDs and names of the sessions. The ID of a session can be any string, but it must be unique. Options also have a unique ID and a name each. The first option is the default option. Make sure you include a "not recorded" option.
"nesting": 1,
"sessions": [
["sun", "Sunday"],
["mon", "Monday"],
["wed", "Wednesday"]
"nesting": 2,
"sessions": {
"Week 1": [
["week1-sun", "Sunday"],
["week2-mon", "Monday"],
"Week 2": [
["week2-sun", "Sunday"],
["week2-wed", "Wednesday"]
"nesting": 3,
"sessions": {
"Week 1": {
"Sunday": [
["week1-sun-morning", "Morning Session"],
["week1-sun-evening", "Evening Session"]
"Monday": [
["week1-mon-morning", "Morning Session"],
["week1-mon-evening", "Evening Session"]
"Week 2": {
"Sunday": [
["week2-sun-morning", "Morning Session"],
["week2-sun-afternoon", "Afternoon Session"]
"Wednesday": [
["week2-wed-afternoon", "Afternoon Session"],
["week2-wed-evening", "Evening Session"]
Attendance options are specified in a different field but in a similar manner:
["not-recorded", "Not recorded"],
["attended", "attended"],
["late", "late"],
["absent", "absent"]
Future work should make creating sessions more user-friendly, right now it works by specifiying a JSON object.