Install a python 3.x environment
brew install python3 pyenv pyenv install 3.6.1
Insert pyenv in your $PATH
export PATH=~/.pyenv/shims:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:$PATH
Switch your local environment to 3.6.1
pyenv local 3.6.1
Install the virtualenv
pip install virtualenv virtualenv .env source .env/bin/activate
Install dependencies
$ make dependencies
The configuration file can be found in
Write your article in content/, both markdown and reStructuredText are allowed.
When you write an article be sure to pass down at least these parameters:
Date syntax
* Markdown: Date: YYYY-MM-DD * RST: :date: YYYY-MM-DD
Author syntax
* Markdown: Author: John Doe Deer * RST: :author: John Doe Deer
If you want to add an url for your avatar just add a syntax with
(like the previous ones) with the url.
Once you wrote your article and you're happy about it then run:
make build
It will output the generated content of your article inside output/ directory.
Now you want to preview it, go inside output folder and run:
make serve
Then you can open your http://localhost:8000 and preview your article.