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FAIR MAST Data Management System

Development Setup

Mac Users

If you are using Mac for development, use podman instead of docker. Follow the installation guide to set it up, then follow the below set up.

Linux/Windows Users

If using Linux or Windows, you need to make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed on your system.


Secondly, clone the repository:

git clone [email protected]:ukaea/fair-mast.git
cd fair-mast

Start the Data Management System

Run the development container to start the postgres database, fastapi, and minio containers locally. The development environment will watch the source directory and automatically reload changes to the API as you work.

Mac Users

podman compose \
--env-file dev/docker/  \
-f dev/docker/docker-compose.yml \
up \

Podman does not shutdown containers on its own, unlike Docker. To shutdown Podman completely run:

podman compose -f dev/docker/docker-compose.yml down   
podman volume rm --all

Linux/Windows Users

docker-compose \
--env-file dev/docker/  \
-f dev/docker/docker-compose.yml \
up \

The following services will be started:

  • FastAPI REST & GraphQL Server - will start running at http://localhost:8081.
    • The REST API documentation is at http://localhost:8081/redoc.
    • The GraphQL API documentation is at http://localhost:8081/graphql.
  • Postgres Database Server - will start running at http://localhost:5432
  • Postgres Admin Server - will start running at http://localhost:5050

Populate the Database

To create the database and populate it with content we need to get the metadata files. These are stored in the repository using Git LFS.

To retrieve these data files, follow the below instructions in your terminal:

git lfs install
git lfs fetch
git lfs pull

Assuming the files have been pulled successfully, the data files should exist within tests/mock_data/mini in the local directory. We can create the database and ingest data using the following command:

Mac Users

podman exec -it mast-api python -m src.api.create /code/data/index

Linux/Windows Users

docker exec -it mast-api python -m src.api.create /code/data/index

Running Unit Tests

Verify everything is setup correctly by running the unit tests.

Follow the below instructions to set up the environment.

uv run pytest

Production Deployment

To run the production container to start the postgres database, fastapi, and minio containers. This will also start an nginx proxy and make sure https is all setup

docker compose --env-file dev/docker/  -f dev/docker/docker-compose.yml -f dev/docker/docker-compose-prod.yml up --build --force-recreate --remove-orphans -d

To shut down the production deployment, run the following command:

docker compose --env-file dev/docker/  -f dev/docker/docker-compose.yml -f dev/docker/docker-compose-prod.yml down

To also destory the volumes (including the metadatabase) you may add the volumes parameter:

docker compose --env-file dev/docker/  -f dev/docker/docker-compose.yml -f dev/docker/docker-compose-prod.yml down --volumes

Note: Every time you destory volumes, the production server will mint a new certificate for HTTPS. Lets Encrypt currently limits this to 5 per week.

You'll need to download and ingest the production data like so:

mkdir -p data/mast/meta
rsync -vaP <CSD3-USERNAME> data/
docker exec -it mast-api python -m src.api.create /code/data/index

Building Documentation

See the guide to building documentation here


A data management system for Tokamak data







No packages published

Contributors 4
