A simple plugin to allow private chat to take place on a server. Players standing on the meeting room platform will be able to communicate with each other in private while still hearing the server chat.
To use this plugin create a floor of a single material (Default: Obsidian) where you would like to have the "meeting room." Then right click on the floor with the configured catalyst (Default: Diamond) in your hand to create the room. Now any chat sent from a player in (on) the meeting room will be redirected to only the players also in (on) the meeting room.
To rename your room from the default "Room" create a sign with line 1 as [meetingroom] and on the 2nd line put the name of your room. The sign can be removed after.
material: OBSIDIAN (Floor material)
catalyst: DIAMOND (Item to use to initialize meeting room)
The materials must be the properly formatted name from the material enum list, located here and entered into the config.yml file.