Based on what you’ve learned until now, create a project of your choosing (impress us with your imagination). This project must at least satisfy the following requirements:
- Use the MVC design pattern
- Use optionals
- Use conditionals (if, switch)
- Use arrays
- Use dictionaries
- Use sets
- Use loops
- Use functions to organize code
- Use closures
- Use structs
- Use classes with an initializer
- Use some form of error handling
- Use protocols
- Use extensions
- Use computed properties
- Use table views
- Use collecton views
- Use buttons
- Use auto layout
- Use dark/light modes
- Use stack views
- Use image views
- Use labels
- Use navigation controller
- Use tab controller
- Use navigation controller
- Use alert controller
- Internationalization & Localization (e.g. Arabic/English language)
- Have at least one gesture recognizer
- Have at least one animation
- Connect to a backend (Firebase, mongoDB, or any database resource), and have full CRUD
- Have at least 2 Core Data models (more if it makes sense)
- Add authentication for users
- Craft a file that explains your app
- Authorization roles and groups
- High quality, professional design
- Location
- Speech recognition
- Deployment on App Store
Submissions will be submitted by posting into slack
- A link to your github repository
- A link of your presentation
- What is the application about?
- What are the user stories for your application?
- What API did you choose to use?
- Demo of the application
- Walk through a piece of code
- What was the most difficult part of the project?
- What was your favorite part of the project?
9:00 am, Thursday, Dec 16, 2021
Now is the time to showcase your skills. On Wed, you will present to us what you have achieved.