First: Install Python 3 and Gazebo 8.
sudo apt-get install python3 gazebo8 libgazebo8-dev
pip install -r requirements.txt
Compile the keyframe plugin for gazebo:
cd keyframe_plugin
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
Additionally, install the font located in the commonroad/renderer/fonts subfolder, which is needed to draw speed limit numbers.
Generate a random scenario in CommonRoad XML from Template XML:
./ presets/driving.xml -o driving-scenario.xml
Render CommonRoad XML for Gazbeo:
./ driving-scenario.xml -o world
View in Gazbeo:
(Make sure the plugin's build folder is set as environment variable GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH
cd world
gazebo world.sdf
Road generation and rendering can also be done in a single step:
./ presets/driving.xml | ./ -o world