Project developed using React, Vite, Typescript, Redux, Redux Toolkit, Styled Components, Jest, custom hook, controlled components, besides date-fns to work on dates.
It's fully responsive, semantic, accessible and uses the user system color scheme (light or dark).
Deploy with continuous deployment at Vercel.
* This project was based on a technical challenge proposed by CodeLeap.
- Clone repository:
git clone
- Install dependencies:
yarn install
- Watch on development mode:
yarn dev
- ReactJS
- Vite
- Typescript
- Redux
- Redux Toolkit
- Styled Components
- Jest
- React Testing Library
- React-awesome-reveal
- Date-fns
- Yarn
- Fork the project.
- Create a branch
git checkout -b <new branch name>
- After making your contribution to the source code, stage your modifications
git add .
- Commit new implementations
git commit -m '<description of what the commit does>'
- Push implementations to this new branch
git push origin <new branch name>
- Go back to your forked github repository and click
compare & pull request
Or simply open an issue describing your thoughts or observations.
🄯 Feel free to copy and modify whatever you want. Keeping knowledge free transforms our community for the better, we inspire and create a more welcoming future.