This library implements components of a service conforming to the Sidetree Protocol.
Below are the main components:
The batch writer batches multiple document operations(create, update, delete, recover) in a single batch file. Batch files are stored in a distributed content-addressable storage (DCAS or CAS). A reference to the operation batch is then anchored on a blockchain as a Sidetree transaction.
All document processing is deferred to resolution time. Resolution of the given ID to its document is done by iterating over all operations in blockchain-time order (starts with ‘create’). Each operation is checked for validity before applying a JSON patch to document.
The document handler performs document operation processing and document resolution. It supports both DID documents and generic documents.
Upon successful validation against a configured validator, an operation will be added to the batch.
Document resolution is based on ID or initial state values.
DID: The latest document is returned if found.
Long Form DID: Can be requested in the following format: did:METHOD::Base64url(JCS({suffix-data, delta}))
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Apache License, Version 2.0 (Apache-2.0). See the LICENSE file.